Search Result for “better manage”

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Zombies as a mid-life metaphor

B Magazine, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 25/03/2018

» Most of us still remember her from E.T. -- and that was 36 years ago, when she was seven and playing a girl who connects with the wrinkly extraterrestrial on a quest to go home. She also went on to play a sexy seducer in Poison Ivy (1992), one of Charlie's Angels (2000), a girl with a short-term memory in 50 First Dates (2004), and an accidental songwriter in Music and Lyrics ( 2007).



Stranger Things remains binge-worthy

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 03/11/2017

» Being the geeky, nerdy man-child that I am, I absolutely loved the first season of Netflix's Stranger Things, the original sci-fi horror series released last year. With all its reverence for geek culture, the 1980s aesthetic and excellent cast, Stranger Things was a love letter to everything I loved, and I loved it for that. It was also a masterclass in suspense, a show that knew how to make you desperate to find out what's next at the end of every episode.



To thunderous applause

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 03/11/2017

» Earlier this year, I had the chance to review another Marvel Studios Film, Spiderman: Homecoming. In that review, I described the film as more of a teenage flick with a sprinkling of superhero glamour, a trait that added a much-needed breath of fresh air to the usual Marvel film formula, one that threatens to outstay its welcome as the studio churns out multiple films each year. The same could be said for Thor: Ragnarok, the latest Marvel feature to arrive in cinemas today.



A war worth watching

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 14/07/2017

» Despite being critical and commercial successes upon their release, the Planet Of The Apes reboot franchise -- beginning with 2011's Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes and followed by 2014's Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes -- never really registered on my radar. I did watch the 2011 film when it was first released, though I didn't find it particularly memorable. I completely forgot about the second, and only realised 15 minutes into War For The Planet Of The Apes that it was in fact the third and closing feature in the series.



Finding space in the Spider-Man universe

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 07/07/2017

» From quizzes and club activities to agonising over an uninterested crush, the high-school experience is fraught with peril for the average teenager. When said teenager has superpowers, and desperately wants to impress Ironman so he can join the Avengers, things can get even trickier, as Peter Parker (Tom Holland) finds out in Spider-Man: Homecoming, the webslinger's solo-debut feature under Marvel's cinematic universe. Trading in the usual cataclysmic conflicts of Marvel's earlier films for a more personal story of responsibility (a Spider-Man staple) and maturity, Homecoming manages to feel like a fresh take on the (arguably) tired Marvel formula, being the best Spider-Man film since 2004's Spider-Man 2.



A cinematic wonder

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 02/06/2017

» After the crushing disappointments that were Man Of Steel (2013), Batman V Superman (2016) and Suicide Squad (2016), it'd be completely fair to assume that Wonder Woman -- the latest superhero film to join DC's ailing cinematic universe -- would likewise be an easy pass. You'd be mistaken.



When monsters attack

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 10/03/2017

» Kong: Skull Island seems like it tries -- and largely fails -- to present a serious, deep message, even though it often veers into the campy territory so many monster films seem to occupy. Most of the characters -- of which there are unnecessarily many -- are completely devoid of personality or even purpose, getting introduced only to eventually become monster-snacks, offering absolutely nothing to the plot beyond creating a false sense of mortality for the obvious band of destined survivors. The plot, as anyone familiar with King Kong's lore can surmise, is also nothing new, and is actually quite similar to the Peter Jackson-directed King Kong's (2005) plot of a group of outsiders surviving on a hostile island dominated by the giant ape.



THAI GAMER'S fantasy finally comes true

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 04/01/2017

» Recently, gamers all over the world were treated to Final Fantasy XV, the latest feature in the critically acclaimed, long-standing Japanese role-playing franchise. Life also recently published a review of the game, praising it for its wonderfully realised world and characters, both of which were so enjoyable that they overshadowed several of what we felt were the game's glaring flaws.



Not yet final

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 21/12/2016

» Ever since its first title was released in 1987 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (known colloquially as the NES), the Final Fantasy franchise has been -- and arguably remains -- one of the best-selling franchises in the global gaming industry, with millions of players worldwide excitedly awaiting each new release. This year, after a decade-long wait, fans of the series were treated to the 15th main entry to the series, titled simply (and ironically, considering the franchise's name) as Final Fantasy XV, the first single-player, supposedly true-blood Final Fantasy game to be released since Final Fantasy XIII in 2009 (or even longer, depending on who you ask).



It's fun but we deserve more

Life, Kanin Srimaneekulroj, Published on 16/12/2016

» There are many things to like about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. For one, it's definitely a true-blood Star Wars film, bringing with it all the spectacle and grandeur the franchise has always been known for. Continuing the example set by the previously released Episode VII, the film's action sequences and epic dogfight scenes are a delight to behold, and are even more prominent here than perhaps in any Star Wars film before it. It benefits greatly from a superb cast of supporting characters, a couple of whom are even worthy of joining the likes of C-3PO or R2-D2 in Star Wars' pantheon of excellent sidekicks.