Search Result for “behaviours”

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In pursuit of stardom

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 08/07/2015

» The popularity of the first season of the Mint and Mew mini series led to its second installation of Mint and Mew To be Continued. In a nutshell, it's a comedic story of a gay man who falls in love with a very straight man. Ben Chalatid and Somchai Khemklad play the lead characters of lovesick gay man and ultra macho object of desire respectively. The second mini series has obviously picked up on the success of its precedent's over-the-top delivery as it has doubled the campy dosage.



Taking Disney into the future

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 10/10/2014

» If you have a child and cable at home, you must be familiar with the Disney Junior channel. Even if you visit a home with children between the ages of two and seven, chances are you'll end up hearing Mickey Mouse and Co squeaking the catchy tune of the Hot Dog song, Princess Sofia solving problems, Jake the Pirate on one his adventures or Doc McStuffins taking care of stuffed animals. As one of the most watched children's channels worldwide, Disney Junior is the progressing benchmark of the Disney empire into your home.



Tourism troubles

Life, Onsiri Pravattiyagul, Published on 13/03/2014

» In the past few years, Chinese tourists seem to have become the bane of our existence. We make fun of them. We complain about them. We stay away from them. We even tend to be pre-emptively rude toward them.