Search Result for “beauty queen”

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Animating the dhamma

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 15/06/2016

» No more learning about Buddhism through thick, ancient religious textbooks, thanks to Mind City -- an animated feature on Buddhism written by the late supreme patriarch Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara.


High-tech scans look to unravel mysteries of Egypt pyramids

AFP, Published on 11/11/2015

» CAIRO - New findings at Egypt's Khufu pyramid are raising hopes of unravelling the mysteries of one of the ancient world's most iconic monuments, including whether it may contain secret chambers.


Asian start-ups gain as Facebook's Saverin looks East

AFP, Published on 17/05/2012

» Far from the Wall Street limelight, Facebook's co-founder Eduardo Saverin is keeping a low profile in Singapore, investing his wealth in tech start-ups while enjoying a life of luxury.


The waiting game

Database, Published on 29/12/2010

» The big news in Thailand in 2010 was 3G phone service, or rather the lack of it; but everyone knows that; first, though, the really big news in Thailand that almost no one noticed was that one Thai in 10 is now on Facebook, the social network announcing at year's end that it has 6.5 million registrations from the kingdom; in fact, Thailand was one of the world's fastest growing markets for the only network that had a movie made about it in 2010; for several years, Thais up to and including Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva had scorned the US-centric networks to give their loyalty to Hi5, but they threw Hi5 under the bridge in 2010.


All up in the air

Database, Published on 03/03/2010

» The most efficient and honoured minister of Information and Communications Technology in more than a year asked Chinese companies if they could design a satellite to replace the original Thaicom One; the request, signed by the Defence Ministry as well as by Ranongruk Suwanchwee herself, would call a Chinese-designed bird a Thai name, and use it to replace the satellite that Shin Corp, now of Shingapore, refuses to replace; assuming the Chinese are willing (haha) to design a satellite and deal with the canny minister, it remains to be seen whether they also would like to build, fit, launch and perhaps maintain the bird, and how that would fit in with the Defence Ministry's contention since September, 2006, that foreigners should not be involved in Thai telecoms.



Maemo is like a PC in your pocket, but it cries out for a mouse

Database, Don Sambandaraksa, Published on 03/02/2010

» Nokia has pinned its future hopes on two platforms. First, the new Symbian, not to be confused with the current commercial Symbian that Nokia bought, and the other, Maemo, which has been through a few iterations already in a series of Internet tablets before finding its home in its first proper phone, the AIS-exclusive N900.


A small, fast editor

Database, Wanda Sloan, Published on 06/01/2010

» Everyone needs a small, fast text editor. That's why Microsoft gives you Notepad, which works all right for many purposes, but with limitations.