Search Result for “battery”

Showing 161 - 168 of 168


Everything the iPad can do, others can do better

Database, James Hein, Published on 21/04/2010

» The release of a new Apple device is always an interesting event. On one side of the coin are those that buy everything Apple no matter if they need it or not. I have one associate, for example, who has purchased every iPod variant and machine. Yes, he has more than he could ever use, but he just buys each new device as it is released anyway. On the other side is the guy who was early in line to get the latest iPad, walked outside and immediately destroyed it so he could be the first to do so.


Microsoft developer troubleshooting woes

Database, James Hein, Published on 14/04/2010

» I don't believe that Microsoft understands developers and development environments. I was working my way through a training course on Visual Studio 2008. The course itself, from Total Training, was not too bad. The product covered both Visual Basic and C# programming languages in their examples. One plus for .NET apart from the syntax differences is that the coding was quite similar when it came to the .NET functions.



The jury is still out on Windows 7

Database, James Hein, Published on 31/03/2010

» A friend of mine has a new netbook with Windows 7 installed. The unit is from Acer and I found out that many Acer notebook models are rebranded Fujitsu units, so if you are considering buying a Fujitsu, check the specs of the comparable Acer and save yourself some money.


Why the Y2K threat was very real

Database, James Hein, Published on 24/03/2010

» To this day I still sometimes read about the Y2K bug and how it was a hoax. I sometimes see it likened to all manner of conspiracies. So here is the truth. I was involved in the Y2K mitigation program and it was a real issue. Jan 1, 2001 and other dates like 2010 were real issues and in fact they are still having an effect today.


The extermination of all things impure from Apple

Database, James Hein, Published on 24/02/2010

» Is Oracle a trusted form of Open source software? With the recent resignation of Ken Jacobs, the man tipped to look after MySQL, people are starting to wonder. Jacobs was known as the friendly face of Open source in Oracle. When Oracle did not assign MySQL to Jacobs, he quit. Jacobs did say that he believed Oracle would look after MySQL and "make it better".


Already looking to the next Apple news

Database, James Hein, Published on 17/02/2010

» Seems the feedback for the iPad has been a bit lukewarm. Some have described it as ''an iPhone having a mid-life crisis''. It is like the iPhone but without multitasking, no Flash and no wide screen video playback capability. The iPhone itself is still dong well but the new unit didn't live up to expectations. Some of the problem is the responsibilities Apple has. They need to keep their developers happy to minimise app rewriting. Then there are the shareholders who expect customers to be locked into the iTunes store for everything, hence there is no Flash and you will not be able to play Evony or Farmville on your iPad.


Focus on loyal, paying customers, not pirates

Database, James Hein, Published on 27/01/2010

» There is a fine line between product protection, security and customer dissatisfaction. Organisations that develop software employ all manner of protection mechanisms to stop people using their products without paying for them first. Almost without exception the pirates and crackers find a way to bypass these protection mechanisms and the same people who didn't pay for software get the latest versions for free or at a greatly reduced price.


My crystal ball has booted up...

Database, James Hein, Published on 06/01/2010

» We have entered the New Year and by some accounts with less than two years left, if the 2012 alarmists are right.