Search Result for “bangkok election”

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South Korea's president tries to rescue liberalism

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 27/09/2017

» While much of the world's attention is fixated on North Korea and its nuclear ambitions, something with the potential to be equally globe-rattling is taking place, generally unnoticed, in South Korea. There, new President Moon Jae-in is charting an entirely contrary course in economic policy than much of the rest of the developed world. If successful, the experiment could alter how governments tackle the most challenging problems of our day.


South Korea's next leader must focus on growth

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 10/05/2017

» So much attention is being lavished on the nuclear-edged tantrums of Kim Jong-un in North Korea that the presidential election on the southern half of the Korean peninsula has gone practically unnoticed. But the outcome may be nearly as critical for the region's future as the fate of Mr Kim's weapons programme.


Anti-trade policies would make the poor poorer

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 25/01/2017

» Without question, the most exciting economic story of the past half century has been the dramatic, and probably unprecedented, decline in global poverty. In a recent study, the World Bank estimated that in 2015, just over 700 million people remained trapped in desperate poverty, or 9.6% of the world's population. Those sound like big numbers until you compare them to 1990, when nearly two billion people languished in poverty -- a staggering 37% of the global populace. Such progress has raised the real possibility that extreme poverty can be eradicated in the not-too-distant future.