Search Result for “baht”

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Real loan lessons

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 06/08/2018

» Education and morality are not a given duo package. It infuriates me to write this, but apparently, having a good education by no means ensures that a person will turn out to have more-or-less sound morals. Which is ironic, because shouldn't all that education have gotten it across somewhere that paying for your education bills is what makes for some of the most basic requirements to being a decent human being?


The paradox of pity

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 21/05/2018

» Thais are notoriously hopeless when it comes to the songsarn factor. Translated to English, the word means to pity or feel sorry for -- a trait ingrained in Thais as much as to be sabai sabai and never on time.


The real cost of a higher minimum wage

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/06/2015

» With the growing economy, there are a large number of new condominiums and office building projects popping up around the city, whirring with labourers like numberless worker ants in the pit. In such a climate where Satan himself would feel at home, one cannot help but feel sorry and blessed at the same time — sorry for the workers in such conditions and blessed that you are not one of them. One might ask whether the 300 baht minimum wage justifies the working conditions that these poor souls face and one would be right and humanitarian to think as such.


With abundance comes indifference 

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/12/2014

» When you come from a third-world country but grew up in the West, or any other country "better off" than your own, far too long for your own good, the comparing game begins. Sometimes, it brings about a seed of discontentment with your current existence, although most of the time it's just a lot of whining. There is clearly lots to moan and gripe about in Thailand, to the point I sometimes find Kuwait more attractive by comparison. 


Robbing from the rich, but giving to whom?

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 26/09/2014

» Life has meaning again, now that Downton Abbey has returned to our TV screens, its fifth season beginning last Sunday. Its otherworldly visuals continue to draw me in, with the upstairs goings-on of the aristocrats and the downstairs drama among the servants still as captivating as ever. I actually have to remind myself every time I watch an episode that people from another continent in this world of ours actually lived like this less than 100 years ago: that cooks had to dine separately from the rest of the servants in a stately home; that members of the upper class changed clothes as often as five times a day; that it was inconceivable that a proper lady or gentleman would have to perform actual work to earn a living.


Support the real cause

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 28/02/2014

» A protest of three months is nothing to throw confetti for, but what has festered around various spots in town is no doubt a curious wonder to witness — it will surely fuel stories of sorts that I will tell youngsters in the future.