Search Result for “at&t”

Showing 11 - 20 of 31


Might and right: The power of one man

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 17/02/2014

» Chess maestro Garry Kasparov has made a small but meaningful contribution to free speech in journalistic circles by challenging the widely-held taboo about invoking Hitler's name as a cautionary warning.



Thailand's doomsday clock moves closer to midnight

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 23/01/2014

» The state of emergency is bad news for Thailand, bad news for believers in peaceful struggle and bad news for newspapers.


Nation's 'peaceful' revolution is not a dinner party

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 04/01/2014

» The New Year's lull offers a chance to pause and take stock of the most recent anti-Shinawatra demonstrations that have energised, empowered and exasperated so many during the last two months of 2013.


Time will not weaken Snowden's legacy

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 28/12/2013

» Edward Snowden was for a while considered Time magazine's most likely candidate for "Person of the Year", but in the end the editors yielded the man-of-the-year slot to the Pope, the third pontiff so named.



Democracy as we know it is being poisoned

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 28/11/2013

» Thai democracy is in crisis because it is producing undemocratic results and practices.


Thanks to the media, the US can get away with murder

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 15/10/2013

» The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Englert this month for helping the world understand how a background field can cause phantom particles to acquire mass. The relatively irrational world of politics, riddled as it is with contradictions, offers its own version of the Higgs Field in terms of divergent national narratives.


US snooping scandal risks stunting internet's growth

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 14/09/2013

» The US is at a key crossroads, trying to regain the trust of its citizens and friendly nations around the world even while it continues to lie and dissimulate in defence of National Security Agency (NSA) overreach.


Miyazaki and Aso battle for Japan's hearts and minds

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 03/08/2013

» Unresolved issues of history continue to haunt and distort the present, all the more so when hidden from view. Historical controversies need a good airing from time to time, not so much to salvage the past as to save the future from repetition of past mistakes.



The year of living dangerously, Thai-style

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 13/07/2013

» Bangkok has just become the world's No.1 tourist destination, and it couldn't have come at a worse time - not because the capital and the country haven't earned the accolade, and not because it isn't a fun place to visit, but because Thai society is brimming with contradictions that could break into conflict at any time.


Snowden has no island, nor Quasimodo, to help him

News, Philip J Cunningham, Published on 08/07/2013

» 'Sanctuary! Sanctuary!" is the pathetic cry of the title character, played by Charles Laughton in the1939 film The Hunchback of Notre Dame, when he frees the heroine from the hangman's noose and whisks her into the safety of sanctuary inside the cathedral, just in the nick of time.