Search Result for “at&t”

Showing 131 - 140 of 184


Greatest love of all

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 18/02/2013

» I'm a great believer in love as a wonderful health tonic. Love makes the heart beat stronger, and sends flushes to your skin that no amount of wonder creams can match.


Conscription blues

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 11/02/2013

» No one has ever done more to romanticise national service than Elvis Presley in G.I. Blues and Tom Cruise in Top Gun. People of a certain mature generation will surely remember Elvis singing Wooden Heart, Pocketful Of Rainbows and Blue Suede Shoes. A khaki uniform never looked so good.


When the crows' cruel footprints get too much to bear

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 04/02/2013

» I hate to admit it, but I've reached the age where you begin to wonder whether the Fountain of Youth really exists, and whether there really is a Pillar of Fire hidden in the dormant volcano somewhere in middle of Africa where H. Rider Haggard's Queen Ayesha gained immortality.


Time to walk the walk, guv

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 28/01/2013

» The gubernatorial election has kicked off with a bang, with quite a large number of candidates, many of whom are probably there with the vague hope that Bangkok's population of 7 million just might decide not to go with any of the obvious choices.


Say cheese

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 07/01/2013

» One thing you have to say about the proliferation of social networks is that they have spawned a whole new generation of people whose sole purpose in life is to take photos of themselves and post them for others to admire.


The demons in the drink

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 24/12/2012

» Doomsday has come and gone, and this column is still here, so I would imagine the shy planet Nibiru missed Earth by a few hundred light years.


Jingling all the way to the apocalypse

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 17/12/2012

» In spite of Jingle Bells sung off-key by kindergarten children being the most frequently played Christmas tune in Bangkok department stores, I still love everything the celebration stands for _ the birth of Christ in the stable, the star and the Magi. The spiritual context is so humbling; Joseph and Mary must have been in awe of their responsibility of bringing into this world a baby who was a child of God, who was destined for such a great mission, who would experience such pain and torture, and who would save mankind.


Occupied v preoccupied: how kids spend their time

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 10/12/2012

» Top of the list of arguments between me and my kids these days is time management. My daughter, in particular, seems to have no sense of time and is constantly complaining that she doesn't have enough time to do everything she needs to do. I scold her for spending too much time on her phone, downloading music or uploading pictures to her Instagram.


A woman's work is never done

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 03/12/2012

» Sometimes people like to post old print ads on Facebook, or sometimes compile a whole lot and share them with friends by email. They are often quite humorous, especially if you are old enough to remember what they are talking about. Recently I saw one that must have been from the 1950s. It showed a wife in a floral print dress and apron, hair nicely coiffed, wearing high heels, duster in hand. Her husband, apparently just back from work, meets her with open arms.


Can you keep it down to a scream?

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 26/11/2012

» I normally just glance through the business section of the paper each day, finding profit margins and corporate takeovers a little beyond my scope of interest.