Search Result for “at&t”

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Internet site of the week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 19/05/2010

» If you don't know who Justin Bieber is, this week's Internet Site of the Week should prove useful. Assuming, of course, that keeping up to date on the latest in teeny-bopper hearththrobs is something you find important. Even so, it can be quite embarrassing to be clinking cocktails at a party and not know why everyone is laughing at a ''leave it to Bieber'' comment, or busting a belly over the latest Lady Gaga fashion monstrosity.



We've come a long way, baby - or not

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 12/05/2010

» The protests on the streets of Bangkok these days are a reminder that, taken as a whole, mankind has come a long way in the past hundred years - yet not everyone has been able to enjoy the trip, nor have all benefited from the enormous sacrifices required for industrialisation and participation in the modern world. It has increasingly become a world of haves and have-nots and the disparity has been fuelled, in large part, by science and technology.


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 05/05/2010

» We're always so dang serious with this column! This week, though, Internet Site of the Week would like to offer something rather fluffier than usual: the website.


Internet site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 21/04/2010

» This week's Internet Site of the Week is not just one site, but three; together they add up to a disturbing trend on the Internet that you'll want to be aware of, if only because they are sure to become popular and generate a lot of talk.



Up to their old tricks

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 21/04/2010

» It happened again. I was innocently browsing the web the other day and Microsoft Corp, from its cushy offices in Redmond, California, reached out across the web and threw a glass of cold water in my face.


Internet Site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 14/04/2010

» I'm a fan of The New York Times and have been for quite a while. I like the way they write their stories. I like the quality of their work. They may lean to the Left a bit (well, you can never lean too far Left, but that's just my opinion), but they aren't blatant about it like some news outlets (Fox News springs to mind; Fox Opinions would be a more accurate moniker).


Internet site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 07/04/2010

» You won't realise how difficult it is until you try to do it _ I'm referring to the transfer of large files over the Internet. Most webmail services, like Yahoo! or Gmail, put a limit on the size of files that can be transferred via email, so at both the sending and the receiving ends, there can be a problem. Email clients, like Eudora or Outlook, might not be capable of the transfer. Your ISP might not be able to cope with the size of the transfer. You might be able to send the file, but your recipient may not be able to retrieve it because of such software limitations or size restrictions.



Twitter - paddling in a toilet bowl of vomit

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 24/03/2010

» I should caution the reader at the outset that Twitter is, in the words of one of my dear online friends (read: complete stranger), "a toilet bowl of vomit". There are many ways to describe Twitter, but that sums it up quite nicely.


Internet site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 17/03/2010

» Quickly becoming one of my favourite Internet sites, is the perfect fit for those living in the Kingdom wanting to find good television programming to watch and not finding it on UBC. Or is it True now? Or True Visions? Or whatever it is. And the best thing about it is that it's free and allows users outside of the US to view the content.


Internetsite of theWeek

Gotfried. K, Published on 10/03/2010

» If you're into Twitter _ and who isn't? _ you may find the site a bit flaky. No, let me rephrase that: you will find the a bit flaky. It spends half your time throwing error messages at you and telling you all the things it can but won't do, at least not at the moment. Damned annoying.