Search Result for “at&t”

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The importance of porn

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 01/09/2010

» The Internet owes a lot to porn, whether we care to admit it or not. Without porn driving growth and web technologies (picture formats, file-sharing, and so on), the Internet probably wouldn't be what it is today. In the early days, trading pornographic pictures occupied much of the Internet's time and effort. Even before the Internet, there were BBSs full of porn for the downloading.


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 11/08/2010

» I'm one of those people who find computer screens incredibly boring. When you're working with various applications like Microsoft Word, there's not much you can do about it. Some applications, like WinAMP and Google Chrome, have ''skins'' or ''themes'' that you can download to change the application's appearance.


Spoilt for choice

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 04/08/2010

» If you're sniffing around for the right office products to buy, you'll be happy to know that you've never had more choices, and that many of those choices are completely free.


Internet Site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 21/07/2010

» Television on the Web will soon be a reality thanks to the ever-increasing size of information pipes and the ever-increasing quality of the information being pumped through those pipes. Unfortunately, many of the websites that offer streaming of television shows only work in the US or in whatever country in which they originate. Here at Internet Site of the Week, we've found another option for our readers, called Podly, located at And, for the time being at least, it works in the Kingdom perfectly fine.



Half a century of frustration

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 07/07/2010

» Computers are incredibly annoying, which is odd because operating systems got their start back in the 1950s. That's right: more than 50 years ago! More than 50 years of "development" and my personal computer (running a legal copy of Windows XP) still crashes. Still!


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 30/06/2010

» There are some websites on the Internet that stream movies and television shows. As most of us have found out, though, they don't usually work in this part of the world. A new service, called Picrap, shows some promise and might be worth a look, depending on the type of shows you want to see.


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 16/06/2010

» LabPixies is a fun site to visit, for many reasons, offering, as it does, the ''coolest gadgets on the web''. By ''gadgets'', the folks at LabPixies mean little programs that can be run on your web browser or cell phone, or be added to popular web destinations like Facebook, MySpace, Hi5 (a popular social networking site in these parts), iPhone, Android, Orkut and more.



Singing the same old vapourware song

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 02/06/2010

» According to recent reports in the tech press, Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser recently dropped to below 60 percent in market share, down from a high of 95 percent back in 2003. For many reasons, this is excellent news. But another report, on the other hand, demonstrates that Microsoft has not given up on its bag of tricks, the sort of tricks that helped Internet Explorer supposedly ''win'' the browser war in the first place.


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 02/06/2010

» We're moving into a weird world where newspapers and news sites no longer report the news and leave it at that. Rather, they report the news and then they start spinning. Sometimes, like Fox News, they spin even as they report, churning out one-sided diatribes that are basically opinion pieces.


Internet site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 26/05/2010

» A picture really is worth a thousand words _ and some are worth much more. A great place to stumble over incredible pictures and photos, and to share with them with lovers of the visual, can be found at