Search Result for “at&t”

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A small, fast editor

Database, Wanda Sloan, Published on 06/01/2010

» Everyone needs a small, fast text editor. That's why Microsoft gives you Notepad, which works all right for many purposes, but with limitations.



A 'better' software suite

Database, Wanda Sloan, Published on 06/01/2010

» It is always dangerous to get into a rut, because the rut is below the road level. Once you've lowered yourself, you start doing things "because they always have been done that way". and in technology that can quickly transform the rut into a swamp.


Last one in, again

Database, Published on 06/01/2010

» Never in Thai history has a story that didn't happen so dominate the news and clearly emerge as the Technology Story of the Year; just before the New Year, your TOT flipped a switch that started providing bandwidth of the third-generation kind in a couple of obscure corners of Bangkok, but in truth, 2009 was the year that Laos and Cambodia totally humiliated the telecoms state enterprises by leaving Thailand a far, distant last among Asian countries providing 3G service to yuppiephone subscribers.



The gift of knowledge for your kids this Children's Day

Database, Suchit Leesa-nguansuk, Published on 06/01/2010

» One of the mostly keenly-awaited days of the year is Children's Day, when the younger generation can ask for anything from their parents, who like to fulfill their requests in return for happy memories.


My crystal ball has booted up...

Database, James Hein, Published on 06/01/2010

» We have entered the New Year and by some accounts with less than two years left, if the 2012 alarmists are right.



New Asus Scores a 10 for Style

B Magazine, Richard Mcleish, Published on 03/01/2010

» A little over two years ago, Asus appeared on the scene with a model that was to start a new era of laptops - the netbook generation. Since then, many manufacturers have followed suit, releasing a myriad of models of various specs and sizes. Asus continues its epic EEE PC series with the recent release of the 1008HA model, but can they continue to shape the genre of laptop that they practically defined?