Search Result for “anti-government”

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Factors inflaming America's political meltdown

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 14/08/2017

» The US is in the midst of a political meltdown, unable to manage a domestic economic agenda or a coherent foreign policy. The White House is in turmoil; Congress is paralysed; and the world is looking on in astonishment and dread. If we are to survive and overcome this collapse, we must understand its sources.



Actions of West led to blowback terrorism

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 24/11/2015

» Terrorist attacks on civilians, whether the downing over Sinai of a Russian aircraft killing 224 civilian passengers, the horrific Paris massacre claiming 129 innocent lives, or the tragic bombing in Ankara that killed 102 peace activists, are crimes against humanity. Their perpetrators -- in this case, the Islamic State (IS) -- must be stopped. Success will require a clear understanding of the roots of this ruthless network of jihadists.


Let the Middle East govern itself

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 05/09/2014

» It is time for the United States and other powers to let the Middle East govern itself in line with national sovereignty and the United Nations charter. As the US contemplates yet another round of military action in Iraq and intervention in Syria, it should recognise two basic truths.


Military must reinstate Morsi to ensure Egypt stability

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 17/07/2013

» Putting an end to Egypt's deepening polarisation and rising bloodshed requires one urgent first step: the reinstatement of Mohamed Morsi as Egypt's duly elected president. His removal by a military coup was unjustified. While it is true that millions of demonstrators opposed Mr Morsi's rule, even massive street protests do not constitute a valid case for a military coup in the name of the "people" when election results repeatedly say otherwise.


Network would mobilise technology to save our planet

News, Jeffrey D Sachs, Published on 28/08/2012

» Great social change occurs in several ways. A technological breakthrough _ the steam engine, computers, the internet _ may play a leading role. Visionaries, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr, and Nelson Mandela, may inspire a demand for justice. Political leaders may lead a broad reform movement, as with Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal.