Search Result for “anti-government”

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Petty dealings

Postbag, Published on 12/05/2024

» Re: "Court fines NACC over Prawit watches secrecy", (BP, May 10).



A dedicated disciple

Life, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 10/10/2022

» When Bollywood actor Gagan Malik accepted the role of Buddha in the epic film Sri Siddhartha Gautama almost a decade ago, little was he aware his life would be forever changed.



Visualising the infodemic

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 08/11/2021

» The government needs to be faster and be more precise in dealing with fake news, especially fake news concerning Covid-19, said the Minister for Digital Economy and Society, Chaiwut Thanakamanusorn.



Out of the shadow of the Cold War

Life, Published on 24/09/2020

» The Cold War saw the birth of the persuasive power of cinema. In the early 1950s, the United States decided that psychological warfare was needed to thwart communist threats in Southeast Asia and so it set up a propaganda unit to produce movies, documentary films, cartoons and pamphlets to provoke a red scare among the people. The United States Information Services (Usis) was also active in Thailand during this decade of sinister geopolitics. Its main responsibility was to produce a number of narrative and documentary films which would be screened around the country to promote American-style democracy and caution people against the deadly dominance of communism.



Hip-hop's fresh, new voice

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 26/01/2020

» The first time Thailand was bitten by the rap/hip-hop bug was way back in the mid-90s, when the then unknown Joey Boy introduced the sound and singlehandedly dominated the genre with a slew of hits ranging from Fun, Fun, Fun to Samakom Ta Chan Diew and Loy Talay. Despite being a playful, largely pop-oriented rapper, there's no denying that he was the one who paved the way for daring trailblazers like Fukking Hero, Buddha Bless and Thaitanium.



Cops mull charges against viral rap stars

News, Post Reporters, Published on 28/10/2018

» The Royal Thai Police's Technology Crime Suppression Division (TCSD) will conclude within a few days whether an explosively popular rap song perceived to take aim at the military government breaches the Computer Crime Act, the deputy spokesman of the agency said yesterday.



Police threaten young rappers

News, Published on 27/10/2018

» Controversy over a music video, "Prathet Ku Mee" (What My Country's Got), which has been perceived as an attack on the military government, is heating up after police threatened to take legal action against the artists and the production team.



Top 5 social media stories of the year

News, Anucha Charoenpo, Published on 30/12/2017

» The influence of social media on society today is of profound importance, and 2017 was no exception. This past year was one when netizens widely used social media platforms to scrutinise matters of public interest. Below are the top five news stories of the year that spread online mostly through social media initially in a much faster and wider manner before the mainstream media picked up and pursued them.



First they came for those who 'twerk'

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 17/06/2017

» The police this week visited several cultural spaces, to appreciate the art and to mete out censorship. Next they'll give out art prizes -- to those who toe the line and serve the official ideology -- like the propagandistic communist states did in the last century.



Thai communists 'loved the King'

News, Wassana Nanuam, Published on 28/11/2016

» The image of communists being anti-establishment and seeking to overthrow the monarchy may be a cliche of history, but in Thailand, members of the local communist movement say that was never the case.