Search Result for “ancestors”

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No heroes allowed here

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 05/06/2014

» If only we had a Martin Luther King Jr, a Nelson Mandela, a Mahatma Gandhi or an Aung San Su Kyi. But even those individuals are imperfect and have their detractors.



Them Ol'middle class Bangkokian blues

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 15/12/2013

» There's a saying from even before Thaksin Shinawatra became prominent in politics: ''Provincial people voted them in, Bangkok people kicked them out.'' The saying refers to the succession of stomach-churning governments during the 1990s democracy experiment. Regime after regime, the provinces voted in the corrupt and incompetent, while Bangkokians pressured each to step down. But for the past seven years, upcountry provincial folks have said, ''no, you're not going to kick this one out''.



From the back seat of a red taxi

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 20/01/2013

» Last Tuesday evening, after being rejected by the shaking head and waving hands of one cabbie, a second took me in and I was ever appreciative. From Wat Phra Si Maha That temple in Bang Khen to my home in Lumpini, it was to be a long ride, but an educational one. There was silence at first, but after a few minutes the cabbie, an elderly yet robust man, turned on the radio. We caught the last few minutes of a talk show; the topic of discussion was the Bangkok governor race.