Search Result for “amp”

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China's rise as a global tech leader

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 15/11/2017

» All eyes are on China as it emerges as a new global leader in technology. Startups are sprouting up in Shanghai and Shenzhen with most successful ones going public at staggering IPO prices.


A hopeful tale for China's old and new economies

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 16/03/2016

» Optimism was in the air for the Chinese economy at the IIF-G20 conference in Shanghai late last month. The annual forum set the stage for leaders in the financial community to share their economic perspectives and voice their concerns prior to the G20 meeting. This year, in particular, at the height of global fears of its crash landing, the crowd was listening closely for insights on how China's economic transition would unfold.



Thai women need to break the glass ceiling

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 17/06/2015

» As Thailand seeks to bridge the human resources gap expected to widen in the years ahead, we should keep women in mind. The question is whether the nation is fully tapping into the much-needed talents of female workers and managers.



Three strategies for long-term growth

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 22/10/2014

» Recent discussion of Thailand's big reform push has focused on issues of social stability. However, the economic fundamentals also need serious — if not more urgent — attention, given the economy's remarkably weak performance over the past seven years.


Time to refocus our exporting strengths

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 17/09/2014

» Thailand's exports have suffered such a great fall. Our performance has been disappointing since 2012. We at the SCB Economic Intelligence Centre (EIC) expect total exports for 2014 to grow by around 1% yearly.


Can we expect sunshine after the economic rain?

News, Sutapa Amornvivat, Published on 19/03/2014

» When it rains, it pours. This rings true for the economy, as the political unrest has significantly hurt an economy already weak from last year.