Search Result for “alcohol”

Showing 11 - 17 of 17



Perils of mushroom picking in Thailand

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/05/2017

» One encouraging piece of news this week was the Supreme Court reducing the sentence of the Kalasin mushroom pickers accused of illegal logging from 15 years to five. But many questions remain.


Off to the pub for a British history lesson

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/09/2016

» As a kid, I was fascinated by the name of a pub near my grandmother's home in Farnborough, Hampshire.


Betting on bugs can be bit of a gamble

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/10/2015

» The most important news last week was undoubtedly a dramatic police swoop on a beetle fight in the northern province of Phrae. The eagle-eyed cops were so pleased with this successful raid they even held a press conference in which they announced to crime reporters that they arrested three men, confiscated two beetles and seized the grand sum of 100 baht, allegedly used for gambling purposes.



Kind of hot, but not particularly bothered

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 17/05/2015

» On Wednesday morning I awoke to the sound of a raging thunderstorm and very welcome it was too. Since returning from the UK I had been wilting in the Bangkok heat and had become increasingly lethargic, sluggish and slothful. After that refreshing mid-week storm I was even more lethargic, sluggish and slothful, but at least a few degrees cooler.


Another year to remember, or maybe forget

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/12/2014

» Well, we've just about scraped through another 12 months, although at times things did look a bit on the shaky side. At least all the whistle-blowing has abated. Here are a few reminders of events and characters that graced the year 2014, although some you may prefer to forget.


When recipes can turn into disasters

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 23/09/2012

» A reader's letter to the Bangkok Post last week pointed out that in a recipe for ''spicy lacquered chicken wings'' which appeared in this newspaper, there unfortunately failed to be any mention of chicken among the ingredients. Well, these things happen. However, I'm sure that the dish, which the headline writer neatly renamed ''Chicken surprise'', was delicious, even in the absence of anything remotely resembling bird parts.


A drink with a bit of history

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/06/2012

» There was a report last week that the famous Thai whisky, Mekhong, after being withdrawn from the domestic market for a couple of years, is being relaunched, this time as a rum and aimed at ''an upscale market'' rather than the common herd. Experts will tell you Mekhong has always been a rum anyway, being primarily made from sugarcane/molasses.