Search Result for “air”

Showing 31 - 40 of 42


So much drama!

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 11/01/2013

» I Last Friday night, around 8pm Thailand Television Time, we became a nation forever changed. A crisis of monumental proportions descended upon the country as hordes of citizens sat in front of their blank TVs, confused, lost and disoriented. The natives of this once-flourishing land were abruptly stripped of their Buddha-given right to fill their brain with mindless and nonsensical storylines. People wept and cursed at the evil entity that dared to mess with the sanctity of scheduled programming.


A very Mayan Christmas

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 21/12/2012

» `Twas the last night on Earth, and all through the land,</br> All the creatures were stirring, anticipating the calamity at hand.</br> You see, back in the day there were these people called the Maya,</br> Who made a prophecy that some are treating like the word of messiah.


The most slack-tastic time of year!

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 07/12/2012

» We've finally made it to December, which means that the seizure-inducing lights have been strung up across the city, the festive outdoor events are taking place in full force, and there may be at least five cases of assault as a result of annoying Christmas music blaring in every department store.


Think You Know What's Happening in the World Around You?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 02/11/2012

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Feel-good Friday

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 24/08/2012

» I get annoyed 3,476 times a day. My daily life consists of dealing with things more frustrating than being stuck in rain-induced traffic. Issues more infuriating than when a co-worker points out your weight gain or darkened skin. Concerns more bothersome than that little piece of skin that hangs from the roof of your mouth when you eat/drink something that's scalding hot.


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 08/06/2012

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Sometimes we all just need a hug

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 18/05/2012

» Before any lawsuits or pink slips get thrown my way, let me first state for the record that the following grievances are in no way related to the esteemed company I work for. All gripes resembling living persons are merely fictitious or coincidental, and do not reflect upon my 9am to 5pm (OK, fine, 11am to 2pm) existence.


It's always sunny...

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 27/04/2012

» So you've recently discovered that you can sweat in places you didn't even know you could sweat in? Well, stop your whining because you're just being dramatic, according to figures from the Meteorological Department.


With great blotting comes great responsibility

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 06/04/2012

» While the sun continues its raging party over Bangkok, inviting no-good friends such as smog, humidity and pollution to further get things out of control, those of us who didn't RSVP to the grimy gathering are struggling to find ways to cope before we melt into a puddle of fleshy goo.