Search Result for “actor field”

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Something of a cover-up on the beach

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/08/2022

» A "No Bikinis" sign on a Thai beach prompted a considerable debate last week although it appears to be little more than a storm in a B-cup. The sign appeared on Koh Samae San, a small Chon Buri island owned by the Thai Navy which apparently disapproves of this type of swimwear.


Can't beat question time in the 'bear pit'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/02/2022

» While normally steering well clear of British politics I admit to having enjoyed recent live TV sessions of the UK Parliament. The weekly Prime Minister's Question Time (PMQ) held on Wednesdays is far more entertaining than any soap opera. Witnessing the verbal jousting as the PM attempts to side-step a withering grilling is sheer theatre. It is almost like being the accused in the dock at a court hearing.


Spaghetti westerns lose musical icon

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/07/2020

» The death of Italian composer Ennio Morricone last week inevitably sparked memories of those old spaghetti westerns, including the so-called "Dollars Trilogy", in which his creative music was a crucial element. Those early Sergio Leone films were not known for extended dialogue -- he let the music do the talking and Morricone's distinctive scores hit the right note.



There’s nothing wrong with eccentricity

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/11/2015

» Thailand has a considerable tradition when it comes to achieving offbeat records. In recent years the kingdom has received acclaim for such inspiring efforts as producing the world’s biggest omelette, the largest plate of fried rice and even the fattest Chinese dumpling.


Running out of steam aboard the gravy train

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/08/2013

» It was encouraging to see Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was courageous enough to host a meeting aboard a train from Bangkok to Nakhon Pathom. Fortunately it made it to its destination without falling off the rails or breaking down, which these days is quite an achievement. With the PM being a committed fan of high-speed trains, it must have been torture for her as the train ambled along at 40kph.