Search Result for “activity”

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Clearing a path

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 06/08/2018

» - For close to eight years, Myanmar has been on a journey of economic, social and political reform as it rejoins the world economy after decades of isolation under ruinous military rule.



Agritech evangelist

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 06/08/2018

» When David Hunt talks about agriculture and technology, his eyes sparkle and he gestures expressively. His enthusiasm is infectious.



Seeding green growth

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 18/06/2018

» Sustainability and planning for climate change have become mainstream components of economic planning globally as the world has witnessed the adverse impacts of irresponsible growth pathways.


Curing our plastic addiction

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 14/05/2018

» My recent visit to Taiwan reminded me of how little my own country is doing to reduce plastic waste. On an island where shoppers have to pay for plastic shopping bags, the next step is a blanket ban on single-use plastic items including straws, shopping bags, utensils and beverage cups by 2030.



Grey shades in the rainbow

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 23/04/2018

» After years of legal invisibility, growing restlessness and protest, members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) communities are finally seeing some progress toward global equality. Particularly in Europe, rising public awareness is being reflected in landmark legislation that recognises same-sex marriage, outlaws discrimination and promotes inclusive social policies.



Entrepreneurial banker

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 03/10/2016

» From oilfield engineer to one of Indonesia's most influential bankers, Helman Sitohang is a big believer that instinct is the most powerful driver when it comes to leading a person to where he should be.



The cost of malnutrition

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 18/07/2016

» Asia Pacific has witnessed unprecedented economic development over the past four decades but the region is still home to two-thirds of the world's undernourished population, while at the same time facing alarming signs of obesity.



Brexit and Asia: referendum ripples could spread worldwide

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 20/06/2016

» A fog of uncertainty has hung over Britain for months ahead of its referendum on European Union membership, which will finally take place three days from today. Recent polls have been showing momentum for the Leave campaign, though huge variations among surveys have prompted questions about their reliability.



Emerging markets still contain pockets of opportunity

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 28/03/2016

» The slowing pace of US interest-rate increases and stronger-than-expected stimulus from the European Central Bank are feeding a more optimistic view of the long-term global economic recovery, with analysts seeing some bright investment spots in Asian emerging markets.



China's challenge

Asia focus, Tanyatorn Tongwaranan, Published on 11/01/2016

» China has stumbled into the New Year amid dimming prospects for its economy, with soft demand, factory overcapacity and shaky stock markets all exacerbating sluggish growth.