Search Result for “a”

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Full frontier

B Magazine, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 24/03/2019

» Netflix's latest feature film Triple Frontier sees a group of ex-Special Forces operatives go on a clandestine mission in South America armed to their eyeballs with guns and explosives.



Personal privacy in the balance

Business, Published on 11/03/2019

» Data is hailed as the new "oil" of the 21st century, with digitalisation changing the landscape across every segment of society and business. When valuable and personal data can be exploited for personal or corporate gain, there is a need to ensure that personal information is well protected from fraud and mischief.



Beyond digital payment

Asia focus, Published on 04/02/2019

» The way we pay for things has evolved rapidly in recent years. Even carrying a physical wallet containing cash and cards is no longer essential when a smartphone or biometric recognition can be used to complete a transaction.


The world knows where you've been

Life, James Hein, Published on 16/01/2019

» A reminder for those operating in the digital world. This includes the internet, your phone, social media and basically anything in the public sphere. You can all but guarantee that everything you post online is eventually available to everyone. It doesn't matter what promises your provider might offer -- and maybe they're even being as honest as they can be -- eventually your data will turn up on a public server somewhere. The golden rule is simple: if you don't want everyone to see something, then don't post it anywhere on public networks.



The omnichannel future

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 14/01/2019

» Consumers in the digital world are rapidly driving demand for easier ways to shop, especially in mobile-mad Asia. Easy means anytime, anywhere, while accepting all types of payments. That's where omnichannel comes in, derived from the Latin prefix omni meaning all or universal.



AI in 2019: Start small, win big

Business, Published on 25/12/2018

» A new generation of artificial intelligence solutions will prove themselves in 2019. They will build new trust, urgency and understanding of what AI actually is, and just how much it can deliver.


How safe is the cloud?

Business, Published on 18/12/2018

» Nearly a quarter of all data stored online is now categorised as sensitive, putting more organisations of all sizes at risk if it is stolen or leaked, the cybersecurity company McAfee has warned.



Three new maxims for surviving the next era of tech

News, Farhad Manjoo, Published on 30/11/2018

» Nearly five years ago, in my very first "State of the Art" column, I offered a straightforward plan for how to survive what was shaping up to be a turbulent time in the tech world.