Search Result for “Yellow”

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Political fights, human rights

Life, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 26/09/2016

» It's not the cruellest scene from Oct 6, 1976, but cruelty was never in short supply that morning. What Somchai Homla-or experienced is just one of many unfortunate examples that remind descendants and survivors of how ugly mobilised nationalist mobs can turn modern Thai history into a bloodbath.



Asean's tough guys dig in

Asia focus, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 15/08/2016

» Citizens of Thailand are not alone in the region when it comes to having to put up with dialogue-averse strongman leaders looking to consolidate authoritarian power.



People's movements tread troubled paths

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 24/05/2016

» The month of May is the time when Thailand marks two political upheavals. One is the Black May uprising of 1992 when the pro-democracy movement was at a peak.



Jit remains little known in Thailand

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 06/05/2016

» Half a century after the passing of revolutionary Jit Bhumisak, the general public has yet to recognise this intellectual whose justice-for-all crusade made him join the communist insurgency and die at the age of only 36.



Remembering a faded revolutionary

Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/05/2016

» SAKHON NAKHON -- Thailand needs to use something other than idolisation and propaganda to attract the younger generation to the scholarly works and ideology of late leftist intellectual Jit Phumisak, said historians commemorating the 50th anniversary of his death



Frustrations with the NCPO's progress linger one year after the coup

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 24/05/2015

» Despite frustration over the repressive measures of the Prayut government, many Thais remain tolerant one year after the coup — at least for now.



Government 'must heed' lesson of Black May

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 18/05/2015

» The May 1992 massacre should serve as a forceful reminder to current military leaders not to expand their powers through an undemocratic constitution, according to those who participated in the bloody protests.



Banpodj insists he is a lone voice

Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 05/04/2015

» At the age of 66 and facing a long prison term, Husdin Ouiraiprayvan maintains there was never any malice in the hundreds of anonymous voice clips he produced which led to his arrest.


Kasit warns China-style regime awaits

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 13/03/2015

» Far from being the knight on a white horse that many had hoped for, the military is ushering in a bureaucrat-led guided democracy that will lead to "one-party China-style politics" in Thailand, a prominent critic has charged.



Kitakyushu leads the eco-metropolis pack

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 07/03/2015

» Once a grey industrialised metropolis that sat unheralded for decades on Japan’s southern island, Kitakyushu has been reborn as a green city that has rocketed to prominence as a "smart" role model for Asia.