Search Result for “World Press Freedom Day”

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Cyber snooping bill creeps closer into law

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 14/12/2016

» The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) is expected to pass Cyber Security Bill in its third reading tomorrow -- the final step that will enable the military government to police Thailand's digital sphere.



'Streisand effect' reaches out for NCPO chief

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 03/05/2016

» It's never easy for the media to work when the country is under a military regime. Poor ratings for press freedom given recently by two agencies, the US-based Freedom House and Reporters without Borders (RSF) have attested to this fact.



Thailand faces serious challenges on Human Rights Day

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 09/12/2014

» Tomorrow is our Constitution Day; others in the international arena know it as Human Rights Day. Many of us in Thailand feel that we don't have either — at least for the time being and hopefully not for the long haul.


Losing our sanity in the political abyss

News, Achara Ashayagachat, Published on 13/05/2014

» The political chaos made me rush to check my Oxford Learners’ Dictionary for the meaning of "sanity" (the state of having a normal healthy mind; and the state of being sensible and reasonable). It is something that is currently hard to find in our society as warring parties try to justify their own unbending aims. Those holding the middle ground will be automatically dubbed “un-Thai”, disloyal, or hired/paid by the other side.