Search Result for “World Heritage”

Showing 1 - 10 of 16



Once the birthday bash is done...

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 02/05/2022

» Bangkok has turned 240th years old. The government, via the Culture Ministry, recently celebrated this auspicious occasion, with cultural performances and fun-filled activities at several landmark spots.



Khao Yai elephant deaths no accident

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 16/10/2019

» The first time I visited Haew Narok Waterfall in Khao Yai national park was in August, 1992. The trip was not for leisure, but to cover the deaths of a herd of eight elephants which drowned after plunging from the top of the waterfall in this tourist destination and world heritage site.



Heritage neglect lets Si Thep down

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 09/03/2019

» Recent news reports about an oil exploration project which is a just a stone's throw away from Si Thep historical park in Phetchabun has shocked the Thai people. The project, if it isn't shot down, may dim the hopes of the site becoming a Unesco world heritage site. PLOENPOTE ATTHAKOR talks to well-respected scholar Phuthorn Bhumadhon about the hot topic.



Putting Thai food to the test

Life, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 21/09/2018

» The clock on the wall turned 10am. The ambience around the student centre building at a Nairobi university was dormant and calm, except a training kitchen where groups of young people, all wearing aprons and caps, busily made a dish. Some measured ingredients while their buddies read recipes out loud; others putt meat into the pot. The scene was almost chaotic with sounds of utensils clanking and bite-sized meat sizzling on frying pans.



It's a big mistake to trash Bangkok history

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 06/07/2017

» In the view of the state, the embattled Mahakan community, struggling against a state eviction order, is just trash that must be removed from the historical site. Many academics, however, disagree.



Goodwill can stop ticking time bombs

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 10/02/2017

» A colleague, while we were having a quick lunch together at this office, suddenly asked: "Why has Asean achieved so little in its goal to become a community?"



Dreaming of a carbon-free travel culture

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 29/11/2016

» Over the weekend, Ayutthaya had a chance to host a memorable music event, properly titled "Jazz in the World Heritage."



Priceless Buri Ram lintel found in San Francisco

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 04/08/2016

» A Buri Ram-based conservation group has kick-started a campaign to press for the return of a "lintel", a decorative object above a gate, believed to have been smuggled out of Thailand decades ago.



Be it khon or khol, we share this heritage

News, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 09/06/2016

» The row over the khon/khol mask dance between Thailand and Cambodia epitomises the long-standing love-hate relationship between the two neighbours.


Diplomats see wat it’s about

B Magazine, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 29/11/2015

» A quick trip to three ancient temple sites on the Thai-Cambodian border is a rare opportunity, but one group of Bangkok-based ambassadors from some 20 countries recently took advantage of.