Search Result for “Thai restaurants”

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CPN launches second phase of Central Village

Business, Published on 28/01/2022

» Luxury outlet Central Pattana Plc (CPN) is gearing up to launch phase two of Central Village today.



The new gold

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 21/06/2019

» Ah, Bangkok -- the city of traffic, dangerous sidewalks, delicious street food, scammy taxi drivers and jumping-on-the-bandwagoners. Bangkokians love getting on the latest trend and craze, so when the salted egg phenomenon hit, it was only a matter of time before we were swimming with all things kai khem. Lo and behold, we are now living in the age of the salted egg. Everywhere you look, there seems to be a special salted egg dish or snack that you can try. If you're feeling overwhelmed, I get you. If you're wondering how the heck salted egg is a thing, I get you, too. I wasn't entirely sure myself. But in the spirit of top-notch investigative journalism that we are known for at Guru (wot?!), I decided to embark on a salty journey. For the sake of you, dear readers, and so that you don't have to gorge yourselves on everything salted egg, we present salted egg delicacies the city has to offer, with the real question answered: Yay, Nay or Meh.



The charm of enamelware

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 15/04/2018

» In a trend-driven world, enamelware remains a classic.



Ban on trans fat could boost palm oil

Business, Published on 04/01/2018

» The proposed ban on trans fat will force restaurants and cooking oil makers to modify their products, but the change may be a boon to the palm oil sector, an industry heavily supported by the government's Palm Oil and Palm Oil Industries Development Strategy.



From farm to table

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 20/08/2017

» The popularity of Western cuisine is growing in Thailand, one of the most likely reasons behind this being the initiative taken by embassies and chambers of commerce to show off their specialities abroad. These organisations host food festivals where they invite famous chefs to introduce their countries' most celebrated dishes and food products to Thais.



New buzz in Bangkok

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 22/05/2017

» Honestbee, the Singapore-based online grocery concierge service, is aggressively expanding in the booming Bangkok market, touting its ability to deliver fresh products within one hour at the same price as consumers would pay in a store.



Chinese tourists: Difficult to deal with?

Jon Fernquest, Published on 24/06/2013

» "Pigs On The Loose" new book by young Chinese woman studying in Bangkok catalogs embarrassing things Chinese travellers do.