Search Result for “Thai Criminal court”

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Media freedom in the dock in Myanmar

Asia focus, Larry Jagan, Published on 03/09/2018

» Two Myanmar reporters are about to hear whether they are to spend the next 14 years in jail for courageously carrying out their jobs.



Myanmar launches Rakhine 'fact finding' mission

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 02/08/2018

» Myanmar has established a commission of inquiry to probe the allegations of human rights abuses in the conflict-torn Rakhine state. The announcement was made earlier this week, as it faces growing international calls for investigate accusations of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya Muslims.



Myanmar struggles with its Rakhine conundrum

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 14/06/2018

» In the face of relentless international criticism, Myanmar is struggling to develop a new strategy to cope with the problems of Rakhine, and the need for a reconciliation process. This week the government has been discussing their new approach with the UN secretary-general's newly appointed special envoy for Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener -- a Swiss career diplomat, who also recently served as ambassador to Thailand.



Security Council visit raises spectre of ICC

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 05/05/2018

» The United Nations Security Council's visit to Myanmar earlier this week has raised the spectre of increased international involvement in its refugee crisis, including referring it to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Although the delegation's main priority was seeing firsthand the government's efforts to prepare for the return of the Muslim -- or Rohingya -- refugees from Bangladesh, inevitably it also raised the need to investigate the causes of the mass exodus.



Myanmar launches diplomatic offensive

News, Larry Jagan, Published on 11/12/2017

» Myanmar has launched a diplomatic offensive as international criticism mounts over their treatment of the Muslim Rohingya. It is a three-pronged assault, aimed at the UN, combatting calls for renewed sanctions and an effort to engage the international community in plans for the reconstruction and reconciliation of Rakhine.