
Showing 1 - 10 of 14



You can't beat Facebook; just ask the kids

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 20/05/2017

» Perched somewhere between stupidity and malice, we threatened to block Facebook. In trying to do so, we announced to the world that we believe in censoring the global stream of information, in stymying a new, collective consciousness. Apparently, we failed. Spectacularly. Not that it was the most surprising thing on this earth.



Pokemon goes on run from state capture

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 13/08/2016

» No, they will not ban Pokemon Go, though it's not hard to tell how tempting that idea must be in the post-referendum landscape where peace, order and national security have been constitutionally enshrined.



Vote displays regime's new take on reality

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 16/07/2016

» Gabriel Garcia Marquez said it best: "When you reach absolute power, there is no contact with reality.""A powerful person, a dictator, is surrounded by interests and people whose final aim is to isolate him from reality."


Web warriors unite for an F5 rebellion

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 03/10/2015

» This past week ultra-royalists converged at the US Embassy while ultra-malcontents converged on the F5 button. How the world has changed, and how sad that some people are still stuck in a medieval fortress, trying to fend off invaders with hot oil and poisoned arrows?



Fear of social change a step back

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 09/08/2014

» Those who live permanently in the past can't see the inevitability of the present. Those who worship the stegosaurus would do something so comical, so anachronistic as banning a computer game that most people have never heard of, prompting nearly everyone to hear about it and wanting to play it — just for kicks, just for a slap to the face, just to prove that techno-terrorism will leave the dinosaurs behind. In the world of bandwidth, in a time when information always slips through the iron fist like water or like pus, in short, in the downloadable, Wiki-leakable 21st century — banning data is the practice of ants trapped in prehistoric amber.



Footie ecstasy prescription won't last long

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 14/06/2014

» Tell me, what’s happiness? Football, of course. Not playing it, not qualifying for it, but consuming it. Precisely, happiness is watching the 64 matches of the highest-level football played in the far-flung Amazonian longitudes, the broadcast signals being sucked live from space to the tubes of 65 million Thais at the expense of — a bargain, I believe — 427 million baht paid for by tax money from the public purse straight to a private firm. They should make it a policy to distribute ecstasy pills to accompany our late-night viewing, just to be certain maximum happiness is achieved, sustained and thanked for.



When one-eyed censorship rules the airwaves

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 31/08/2013

» Thai television continues to inspire sadness and nausea, to the point that sometimes we envy Cyclops and Captain Hook, with all their one-eyed oblivion.



Make a slip? Get the moral hormone jab

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 27/07/2013

» Whoa, welcome to the hormonal monsoon season.



See no evil

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 09/01/2013

» We're dying to know what's there beyond the cloud, but the proverbial silver lining, if there ever was going to be one, was obscured from our airwaves.