Search Result for “Supreme Court”

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Thailand needs a new constitution free from fear

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 18/08/2015

» In the entire history of the world, human beings have come up with some pretty outrageous ideas, like the man who solved the problem of his low ceiling by chopping off his legs. In my view, the Constitution Drafting Committee's (CDC) so-called crisis committee, inserted in the draft constitution, is a far worse idea. The Borwornsak draft constitution has hit a new low, because the crisis committee will essentially attempt to institutionalise military coups. It will seek to legitimise the illegitimate and make lawful what is inherently unlawful, which is an abomination to the very concept and study of law. It is nothing less than constitutional heresy!



Thailand needs an informed citizenry

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 11/06/2015

» The concept of citizenship is fundamental to the principles of democratic governance. The two go hand in hand. The democratic state can basically be reduced down to the citizen, and citizens can only exist under the auspices of a democratic state. Without delving into political theory, it is this "social contract" which defines the relationship between a citizen and the state.



Only real democracy will solve Thailand's problems

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 29/01/2015

» In my view, the Yingluck Shinawatra impeachment proceedings were shameful and will go down in history as one of the most horrendous events in modern Thai history.



Everyone suffers when lunatics run the asylum

News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 14/09/2013

» Thailand has reached a tipping point. A point of no return, and from here it could just be a race to the bottom. As a society and as a democracy, we're damaged goods. We're essentially Humpty Dumpty that can't be put back together again. Why do I say this? Just look around. The lunatics are running the asylum.