Search Result for “Red”

Showing 1 - 10 of 128


Make way for the Bold Gendarmes

Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/08/2024

» The Paris Olympics have sparked memories of the time as an eight-year-old I was dressed up as a French Gendarme for a Christmas concert at a church hall in England. There were four of us and we had to perform The Bold Gendarmes, a popular song in the mid 1950s by French operetta composer Jacques Offenbach. It made gentle fun of the French policemen as the opening lyrics suggest:



When Bangkok bid for the Olympics

Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/07/2024

» It's been 100 years since the last Paris Olympics which was dramatically portrayed in the stirring 1981 film Chariots of Fire. I can still picture that opening scene with the British athletes running along the beach to the sounds of that Vangelis anthem. It's hard to believe that was made 43 years ago. If this year's Olympics are even half as exciting as the 1924 event it will be an achievement.


The art of rolling out the red carpet

Roger Crutchley, Published on 23/06/2024

» Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared to enjoy the red carpet treatment he received in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang this week. Over the years the Russian leader will have become quite familiar with walking on such plush carpets, but one wonders if he knows why they are red.


Are tourists ready for Thai ghosts?

Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/06/2024

» The latest inspiration from the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is to promote "Ghost Tourism" to spice up the experiences of visitors who may be a little weary of bars, beaches and the usual bunkum.



Leaping lizards on a Sunday afternoon

Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/03/2024

» Last Sunday I was sitting on the garden porch of my Bangkok abode grappling with the crossword and watching the birds hopping around the garden. My wife, who was away in Chaiyaphum, had just called and I had reassured her that everything was fine and very tranquil... a perfect Sunday afternoon.



A painful ride with a certified horn honker

Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/02/2024

» Despite the frustration of sitting in endless jams, I've always felt Bangkok motorists display remarkable restraint when it comes to using horns. Unlike many cities in the world it is rare to hear a chorus of angry car klaxons. Things are admittedly a bit different on the provincial highways with buses and trucks not averse to giving a blast on their air horns with the clear message "Get out of the way."



Sad tale of a sycamore and a chainsaw

Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/10/2023

» Every now and again there is a news story that leaves you scratching your head prompting the question "What were they thinking?" That was my reaction on reading of the destruction by vandals of an iconic sycamore tree in the northern England county of Northumberland.



It's not easy getting a decent mug shot

Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/09/2023

» There has been some debate in recent weeks concerning mug shots as a result of a high-profile legal case in the United States which readers will be relieved to learn I am not writing about. Suffice to say there is an entertaining variety of expressions in the mug shots, ranging from deep defiance from a certain gentleman, to bemusement from others, while one of them looks like they've just realised they left the kettle on at home.



Audience of one is better than none

Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/08/2023

» There was a story from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival last week concerning English actress Georgie Grier whose one-woman show Sunsets attracted a grand audience of one. A tweet with pictures of a tearful Grier after the show prompted considerable sympathy and the following night she found herself performing to a near full-house which she joked felt the equivalent of "Wembley".



Glimmer of hope for foot soldiers

Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/07/2023

» There was encouraging news for Bangkok's pedestrians last week when the city governor announced that during the coming year there would be a major upgrade of pavements in the Big Mango. It was promised that some pavements might even become "walkable". Well, best of luck with that.