Search Result for “People's Go”

Showing 91 - 100 of 211



News that is driving us all up the wall

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/01/2019

» Just as most Brits must be sick to death of ever hearing the word Brexit, across the Pond one suspects the majority of Americans have also had more than their fill of The Wall. You can't escape those dreaded words even here in Thailand. Switch on the satellite news and you will be bombarded by the two topics, analysed by every expert in the world, most of whom happen to have just written a book on the subject.



A gentle look at uniform behaviour

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/01/2019

» Reports that Bangkok Christian College is allowing students to wear casual clothes once a week might seem a trivial tale, but it could cause a few ructions in Thailand. This is a country where even university students wear uniforms and any thoughts about breaking out from this conformity are frowned upon. After all, it might spark "self-expression" which will send shudders down the spine of the education establishment. The next thing they know, students even might start asking meaningful questions.



Thailand through the looking glass

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 06/01/2019

» I trust everyone is recovering from the silly hats and hangovers season. Soon it will be back to the grim reality -- hangovers without the silly hats.



There's a beauty for every occasion

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/12/2018

» Unless you have been in hibernation you will be aware that Thailand is currently hosting the 2018 Miss Universe contest which climaxes tomorrow at the less-than-entertaining hour of 7am, presumably to cater to primetime audiences in the United States.



Something of a mixed bag at the supermarket

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 09/12/2018

» I nipped into the local supermarket last Tuesday to see if it was abiding by the promise not to use plastic bags in celebration of Thai Green Day. I was pleasantly surprised that the usual sea of plastic bags were not decorating the checkout counters. There was also a notice encouraging customers to use their own bags.



One way to get into the swim of things

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/11/2018

» As a kid I would marvel at reports of someone swimming across the English Channel. Being a total wimp in water, I couldn't believe that anyone would want to swim the chilly 33 kilometres between England and France when you could hop aboard a ferry.



A long flight for the paper plane pilot

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 14/10/2018

» It was pleasing to see that Mong Thongdee's dream of becoming a Thai citizen appears to have finally come true. Nine years ago Mr Mong made the headlines as a 12-year-old when he won the Thailand paper plane championships. However, he was devastated after being told he could not represent the kingdom at the international tournament in Japan because he was stateless, his parents being immigrants from Myanmar.



Suffering a case of the whirlygigs

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/10/2018

» It was the unlikely setting of the US Senate Judiciary last week which has sparked considerable debate on what constitutes drunkenness. There were references to a "stumbling drunk", a "sloppy drunk", a "slurring drunk" and a "belligerent drunk". But there seems to be a certain lack of creativeness in these descriptions. Perhaps a little European influence would liven things up a bit.



Animals to stop naughty activity in Lumpini

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 26/08/2018

» No hanky-panky in the park, if you don't mind.



Wild Boars become a part of history

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/07/2018

» This time last week the rescue mission of the 12 young Wild Boars and their coach had only been half completed. They had all been found miraculously alive, but the question remained how to get them out. And in all honesty, it didn't look great. It was a very strange, uncomfortable feeling. With heavy rains forecast, the initial joy of finding them transformed into the real fear that they could not escape what had become their watery dungeon. It was a race against time.