Search Result for “National Security Agency”

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Connected communicator

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 16/12/2019

» Anyone meeting Baxter Jolly for the first time might be surprised to learn that he used to be an equities trader. A people person full of smiles, he doesn't seem like the type who would be sitting in front of five computer screens all day. But the experience in the high-pressure world of the stock market, he says, served him well when he switched gears and entered public relations.


South peace chief wants BRN talks

News, Erich Parpart, Published on 30/11/2019

» The new head of the Thai dialogue team in the southern peace talks has urged "all groups of people with different views", including the Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN), to come to the negotiation table for a new round of mediation.



Shared potential

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 30/07/2018

» The opportunities offered by the digital economy come with challenges in areas of legal, political, social, environmental and economic governance, especially in poorer countries. And while some economies in Asia are reaping benefits from the digital transition, some others are being left behind.



Services the missing link in new HK-Asean trade pact

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 02/07/2018

» Businesses in the region are looking forward to the new Asean-Hong Kong free trade agreement (FTA), but they say restrictions in the service sector will have to be lifted for all parties to fully realise mutual benefits from the pact.



Mission from Moscow

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 02/04/2018

» As China continues to expand its influence in Asia, and at a time when some are questioning the continuing commitment of the United States, Russia is quietly building up its presence in the region.



Peninsula in peril

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 11/09/2017

» The sense that the Korean War is still being fought doesn't really kick in until you take a ride to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that divides the Korean Peninsula in half. Barbed wire, fortified outposts and soldiers with guns are sure to get your attention in what former US president Bill Clinton once called "the scariest place on earth".


Asian flashpoints in a proxy war

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 31/07/2017

» Geopolitical conflict is intensifying in Asia. From the Korean peninsula and the South China Sea to the Doklam Plateau, territorial disputes have the potential to destabilise the region -- and all of them ultimately involve China and the United States.



Australia's e-envoy

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 10/07/2017

» Step into the office of Tobias Feakin during lunchtime and you might hear the pulsing bass of Jack Bruce from 1960s legends Cream or the latest album by Circa Waves, a Liverpool-based indie rock band of more recent vintage. Listening to music, he says, helps him unwind, and a taste for British bands reflects his time spent studying in the UK.


The Daesh threat close to home

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 08/05/2017

» Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or Daesh, appears to be trying to gain a foothold in the Philippines. It has also claimed responsibility for successful and unsuccessful attacks in Indonesia and Malaysia in recent years, while Singapore and Thailand are also on high alert.



Global economy more fragile with few growth drivers

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 03/10/2016

» The prolonged global slowdown in overall growth and trade is expected to persist if all parties do not work toward a solution together, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) has warned.