Search Result for “Move Forward”

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7, 8, skip 9, and it's 10!

Life, James Hein, Published on 08/10/2014

» Forget Windows 9, Microsoft is so certain the next version of Windows is so good they are jumping right to 10. Yes, Windows 10. Its reasoning is something about this not being an incremental update, which is what I thought was the point of a decimal numbering system (8.1).


The death of the PC?

Life, James Hein, Published on 12/03/2014

» According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), the PC market contracted in 2013. Along with Gartner, IDC predicts a continued contraction until at least 2018. Reasons include the popularity of tablets, smartphones, a slowing world economy, people sticking with their PCs longer and operating system issues. Some are predicting the death of the PC, but I disagree, because what is the alternative? In a work environment and even for many home users, the PC still reigns. Other devices are good toys, but the PC is still the base.


Old Apples prove tasty

Life, James Hein, Published on 24/07/2013

» An Apple 1 recently sold for more than 15 million baht, so hang on to that old computer as one day it may be worth something again. I admit to using an Apple 2 computer while teaching in the Maldives many, many moons ago. There were better available at the time, but that was all they had. All it had was green writing on a black screen, a simple operating system and some very simple applications, but still a very useful device back then.


Keeping pace with the tech

Life, James Hein, Published on 14/11/2012

» With the continued rush to bring out new applications and new technology the rate of change is leaving more and more people behind. The youngest are growing up using their parents' tablets and smartphones to play games instead of going outside to play. Those a couple of years older are already on child-orientated chat rooms, developing more advanced online skills. The under-20s are fluent in thumb-typing, chat abbreviations, emoticons, creating avatars and pretending to be someone they aren't. Those aged below 30 are more likely to be accessing the internet with a mobile device and may not even have a fixed phone line at home.


Google's backdown doesn't bode well

Life, James Hein, Published on 26/09/2012

» The internet should be free and there are few areas that I believe should be filtered or banned. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are two of the most important elements of any kind of free system. Services like Google's YouTube should not be selectively filtered just because one ideology says so. People living in southern Thailand are very familiar with this scenario as it has caused many problems there. A case in point is a third-rate movie called The Innocence of Muslims which is being used to justify violence across the world, including in Thailand. The governments of the US, Australia and other _ what would normally be called _"free" societies have demanded a ban on this film. Google initially resisted, but eventually bowed to the pressure and some access was restricted from certain countries, including even India. Free-speech advocates have criticised Google for doing this, and rightly so, because if this continues then all posts are at risk.