Search Result for “Military policy”

Showing 1 - 10 of 24



Commission on a mission

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 17/03/2019

» "The Election Commission shall announce the result of the election", and there really hasn't been any more vast difference between the EC and the members of the public. It's not even supposed to be a worry. But everyone's worrying about the scraping of all the foreign votes and the vital gathering of all today's advance votes and the really major assembling next week of every one-person-one-vote.



Fairness needs to be ensured

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 27/01/2019

» In sports, as in politics, they call it a "tilted playing field". One or many tiny modifications to the game area give advantages that don't absolutely guarantee that the home team wins, but help to make it more likely.



Easy choices made difficult

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 23/12/2018

» Lucius Edward William Plantagenet Cary, aka Lord Falkland, went to his death in the English Civil war, leaving little of note except a rule that could be the official motto of libertarians.



The political class

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 02/12/2018

» While the politicians asking for your priceless vote were trying to make appointments at the spinal replacement clinic, the general prime minister went to Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel told him he should restore democracy in Thailand. He said he's going to have an election next year, and that was the end of it.



Into the political fray

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 30/09/2018

» Last June 30, the sometimes-accurate online Wikipedia updated the opening line of its entry on the general prime minister. For the first time, the introduction read, "Prayut Chan-o-cha is a Thai politician..." Before that, according to Wikipedia, Gen (Ret) Prayut was just a retired army general and head of the military junta -- which is what he claimed to be.



Data security a foreign concept

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 22/04/2018

» You'd think that just about the worst thing that could happen in today's charged smartphone-internet intersection is the theft of many thousands of the most important identification documents and personal details of mobile phone owners. But you'd be wrong.



A bad week

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 25/02/2018

» Bad week for the military regime. The antediluvians in green absorbed punishment from foreigners galore. Worse, at home, protesters judged to be disloyal Thais went on the streets. And after three years, eight months and some days, the courts put on their steel-toed boots and confronted the regime's rules.



Tip of the iceberg

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 14/01/2018

» Myanmar's government and entirely out-of-touch military soiled themselves again, over the Rohingya issue of course.



End of an era?

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 25/12/2016

» Planning for the third Cobra Gold war games since the 2014 coup d'etat is pretty much complete, and it is going to show better than any other public event the diminishing passion of the long US-Thailand affair.



Engine failure

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 04/12/2016

» The green shirts last week got what they came for back in May 2014. While happiness was returned to the National Council for Peace and Order, it became unclear how long it will last.