Search Result for “Military coup”

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China courts old friends

Spectrum, Richard S Ehrlich, Published on 16/10/2016

» China is achieving fresh diplomatic success in Thailand and the Philippines thanks to security arrangements which blocked Hong Kong pro-democracy dissident Joshua Wong from visiting Bangkok and an unexpected anti-US spiral in Manila, impacting President Barack Obama's Asian pivot.



CIA spook recalls Thailand's role in secret war

Spectrum, Richard S Ehrlich, Published on 04/09/2016

» A CIA spy who helped orchestrate America's "secret war" in Laos said US President Barack Obama's visit should not dwell on the past as he defended the soldiers he fought beside, including the Thais.



At long last, a special friend comes in from the Cold War

Spectrum, Richard S Ehrlich, Published on 28/02/2016

» As the US alliance with Thailand suffers strain following the 2014 coup, Russia has delivered combat helicopters to the military regime and now wants to provide tanks, counter- terrorism training, security intelligence and other assistance.



Caught in the middle of a US-China arms wrestle

Spectrum, Richard S Ehrlich, Published on 15/11/2015

» The US State Department has quietly approved the sale of 16 missiles — plus training — to Thailand in a proposed deal worth nearly US$27 million, or just shy of one billion baht.



Bringing the Bible to Bangkok, the Mormons are here to stay

Spectrum, Richard S Ehrlich, Published on 26/04/2015

» Nearly 50 years after Mormons opened small churches in Thailand, converting Buddhists, animists and other Thais, they have announced plans to construct their first big temple here, enabling their families to be “sealed” together for eternity, posthumous weddings for dead ancestors and other “highest sacraments”.


US ‘enthusiastically participated’ in genocide

Spectrum, Richard S Ehrlich, Published on 27/04/2014

» Encouraged by the international success of his documentary film, The Act of Killing, Joshua Oppenheimer is now pushing Washington to publicly expose how “the US enthusiastically participated in the genocide” in Indonesia during the 1960s.