Search Result for “Labor”

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Pokémon fans create adventure game - how will Nintendo react?

AFP Relax News, Published on 05/07/2013

» A labor of love from Pokémon fans and an exploration of the Pocket Monsters' world, "Pokémon Generations" recreates the Pokémon creatures from scratch, allows character customization and fills in early series mythos, but may not be around for long.


Yahoo! gets Marissa Mayer make-over

AFP Relax News, Published on 21/02/2013

» Yahoo! sported a new look on Wednesday in a make-over tailored by style savvy and engineering smart chief Marissa Mayer.



Even in young, unmarried couples, women still do the chores

AFP Relax News, Published on 25/01/2013

» Couples who buck tradition and live together without getting married still take on traditional gender roles when it comes to cooking and cleaning, according to new findings from Cornell University.


James Bond villains are the heroes of new exhibit

AFP Relax News, Published on 20/11/2012

» Where would James Bond be without Dr.No, Goldfinger or the statuesque May Day? Agent 007 may be a hero, but in this new exhibit in the US capital the bad guys are the stars of the show.


Top ten fitness trends for 2013: survey

AFP Relax News, Published on 02/11/2012

» A new survey of fitness trends finds that you can put away your fancy fitness gadgets and get back to basics -- push-ups, planks and squats will be some of the most popular exercises for the coming year.