Search Result for “Kim Jong Un”

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Russia? China? Who hacked Yahoo, and why?

AFP, Published on 23/09/2016

» PARIS - Yahoo's claim that it is the victim of a gigantic state-sponsored hack raises the question of whether it is the latest target for hackers with the backing of Russia, China or even North Korea, experts say.


Sony reaches settlement over 2014 security breach

AFP, Published on 21/10/2015

» LAGUNA BEACH (UNITED STATES) - Sony has reached a settlement in a US court to pay $8 million to employees affected by a massive cyberattack, officials said Tuesday.


Tinder 'overreacts' on Twitter to 'dating apocalypse' feature

AFP, Published on 13/08/2015

» WASHINGTON - Tinder said Wednesday it "overreacted" when it sent out a volley of tweets lashing out a Vanity Fair for a feature about dating apps and sexual norms.


Sony's PlayStation back online after Christmas hack

AFP, Published on 28/12/2014

» WASHINGTON - Sony's PlayStation reported that its network was back online and claimed that it had been attacked, three days after it and Microsoft's Xbox went down in an outage.


Google and Microsoft stand with Sony against hackers

AFP, Published on 25/12/2014

» SAN FRANCISCO - Google and Microsoft joined forces with Sony on Wednesday, using their online might to release "The Interview" film to online audiences despite threats from hackers.


Sony threatens Twitter with legal action over hack

AFP, Published on 23/12/2014

» LOS ANGELES - Sony Pictures has threatened Twitter with legal action unless it removes confidential material stolen from the movie company's computers that someone has posted on the social networking site.


S.Korea nuclear plants stage drill against cyber attack

AFP, Published on 22/12/2014

» SEOUL - South Korea's nuclear power plant operator launched a two-day drill Monday to test its ability to thwart a cyber attack, after a series of online information leaks by a suspected hacker.


Seoul, Toyko pledge to work with US to combat cyber crime

AFP, Published on 20/12/2014

» SEOUL - South Korea and Japan on Saturday vowed to work closely with the US to combat cyber crime, after Seoul blamed North Korea for a crippling cyber attack on Sony Pictures.


Clooney slams skittish Hollywood after Sony hack

AFP, Published on 19/12/2014

» LOS ANGELES - Film star George Clooney slammed the Hollywood movie industry for failing to stand up against the cyber threats that prompted Sony Pictures to cancel release of the movie "The Interview."


Hackers may have exploited Sony's weakest link: humans

AFP, Published on 19/12/2014

» SAN FRANCISCO - Hackers who forced Sony Pictures to abort release of a comedy about North Korea likely slipped past the entertainment titan's defenses by exploiting a weak spot -- humans.