Search Result for “Islamic mutual funds”

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Standards come to the fore

Business, Nuntawun Polkuamdee, Published on 25/04/2023

» The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is aiming to create internationally consistent standards for Islamic mutual funds in order to increase options for investors and expand the Muslim investor base.



Iran-SKorea row worsens over oil billions frozen by US sanctions

AFP, Published on 08/10/2021

» TEHRAN: A row between Iran and South Korea is intensifying, with Tehran threatening legal action unless Seoul releases more than $7 billion in funds for oil shipments frozen because of US sanctions.



Korea adds 505 cases, deaths top 2,800: Virus update

Published on 27/02/2020

» Saudi Arabia halted religious visits that draw millions to cities including Mecca and Medina, while Japan asked for all schools to shut from March 2. More new cases were reported outside China than within the country for the first time, highlighting the spread of the epidemic.



The tragedy of US 'victory' over Islamic State in Iraq

News, Published on 31/01/2018

» Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory over the Islamic State (IS) on Dec 9, 2017. And while there will still be some fighting, the real war is over. Yet there were no parades, no statues pulled down, no "Mission Accomplished" moments. An event that might a few years ago have set American front pages atwitter wasn't even worth a presidential tweet.



'Two-day' Gulf summit ends within hours over Qatar

Associated Press, Published on 06/12/2017

» KUWAIT CITY: - Kuwait's emir on Tuesday quickly called an end to a planned two-day meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council within hours of its start amid the ongoing diplomatic dispute surrounding Qatar.



Send in the clowns

News, Postbag, Published on 27/11/2016

» The State Enterprise Policy Office urges State Railway of Thailand (SRT) land development as a quick solution out of debt (BP, Nov 25). Who does it think it is kidding? The SRT is a bottomless pit as its debt piles up deeper and deeper due to inept management, lousy service, filthy, antiquated rolling stock, the inability to maintain any normal scheduling, and free rides.



SET ready for siege

Business, Post Reporters, Published on 14/01/2014

» The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is prepared if anti-government protesters decide to act on their threat on encircling its head office on Jan 15, saying the trading system can run even if the building is closed for a week.



Funds for all seasons

Business, Nuntawun Polkuamdee, Published on 09/12/2013

» As the year draws to a close, investors are on a shopping spree for long-term equity funds (LTFs) and retirement mutual funds (RMFs), the two types of money pools that offer tax savings.