Search Result for “Houthi rebels”

Showing 41 - 50 of 74


Treachery reigns supreme in the Middle East

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 17/08/2019

» Things have got so complicated in the Middle East that the players are no longer just stabbing each other in the back. They are stabbing each other in the chest, in the groin, behind the left ear -- anywhere that comes to hand. Friends and allies one day are targets and enemies the next.


Yemen peace bid misses vital factor

News, Published on 20/12/2018

» As Yemen's warring parties met in Sweden last week, hopes were high that these peace talks -- the first since 2016 -- would spark a political process to end the ongoing conflict that has left the country on the brink of famine and created what the UN calls a "living hell for millions of children".


Trump faces battle over Yemen

News, Published on 03/12/2018

» The US Senate voted 63 to 37 on Wednesday to clear the way for a debate and final vote on a resolution to end American military support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen. It's the first time that an anti-war resolution has advanced in Congress since Saudi Arabia and its allies intervened in Yemen's civil war in early 2015.


Shared delusions of Trump and the Saudi Crown Prince

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 23/11/2018

» "It's a suffering tape, it's a terrible tape," the Snowflake-in-Chief told Fox News on Sunday, defending his refusal to listen to the recording of journalist Jamal Khashoggi being murdered and sawn into pieces in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on Oct 2. "I know everything that went on in the tape without having to hear it. It was very violent, very vicious and terrible."


Yemen: Saudi Arabia's even bigger lie

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 26/10/2018

» While Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) frantically tries to scrub Jamal Khashoggi's blood off his hands like a Middle Eastern Lady Macbeth -- "Here's the smell of blood still. Not all the sweet perfumes of Arabia will sweeten this hand" -- could we have a word about his war in Yemen too?



Yemen foes head to peace talks as 'ugly war' rages

AFP, Published on 04/09/2018

» DUBAI: Yemen's warring parties meet in Geneva Thursday for a new round of peace talks with little hope of a breakthrough in an "ugly war" between the Saudi-backed government and rebels linked to Iran.


Yemeni asylum-seekers spark backlash in South Korea

AFP, Published on 11/07/2018

» JEJU (SOUTH KOREA) - A few hundred asylum-seekers from Yemen have sparked an unprecedented wave of xenophobia in ethnically homogenous South Korea, echoing the anti-immigrant sentiment that has swept Europe and helped propel Donald Trump to the White House.



UN: 10,000 children killed, maimed in conflicts last year

Associated Press, Published on 28/06/2018

» UNITED NATIONS: More than 10,000 children were killed or maimed amid armed conflicts worldwide last year, while others were raped, forced to serve as armed soldiers or caught in attacks on schools and hospitals, a United Nations report said on Wednesday.



To contain Iran, look first to Yemen

News, Carlos Pascual, Published on 02/05/2018

» In the Middle East, all eyes are fixed on Syria's ongoing carnage and the international response to the latest chemical attack by Bashar al-Assad's regime. But if the United States seeks stability in the region, it needs a strategy to contain Iran's threats to its neighbours. The most effective place to start defies conventional wisdom: It is building an international coalition for a ceasefire in Yemen.


Yemeni missiles: Same old, same old

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 30/03/2018

» 'We must speak with one voice in exposing the regime for what it is -- a threat to the peace and security of the whole world," said US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley last December, trying to drum up support for stronger international sanctions against Iran, and maybe even an actual attack on the country. Here we go again.