Search Result for “Fair Party”

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Brexit lesson for Europe: address the concerns of citizens

Business, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 11/07/2016

» Digesting the full implications of the UK's "Brexit" referendum will take Britain, Europe, and the world a long time. The most profound consequences will, of course, depend on the EU's response to the UK's withdrawal. Most people initially assumed that the EU would not "cut off its nose to spite its face": after all, an amicable divorce seems to be in everyone's interest. But the divorce -- as many do -- could become messy.



Looking to the future after Brexit fallout

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 09/07/2016

» Digesting the full implications of the United Kingdom's "Brexit" referendum will take Britain, Europe and the world a long time. The most profound consequences will, of course, depend on the European Union's (EU) response to the UK's withdrawal.


Greece didn't fail, but the EU's debt moralising did

News, Joseph Stiglitz, Published on 06/02/2015

» When the euro crisis began a half-decade ago, Keynesian economists predicted that the austerity that was being imposed on Greece and the other crisis countries would fail. It would stifle growth and increase unemployment — and even fail to decrease the debt-to-GDP ratio.