Search Result for “Face”

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It's getting to be tough at the top

Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/08/2024

» In these turbulent times around the globe you wonder why anyone would aspire to be a prime minister, president, dictator, despot, tyrant or whatever. Even in Amazing Thailand it can't be much fun being the PM. Just imagine waking up every morning and realising you are responsible for 71 million Thai citizens, all probably with some kind of grievance. Most of us have enough problems looking just after ourselves … and maybe the dog.


A magical weekend at Yasgur's Farm

Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/08/2024

» Every year there are anniversaries marking significant events from the past and they always serve as uncomfortable reminders that I am getting a bit old. A classic example is this weekend with the 55th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival. Now that's scary. Surely it couldn't have been that long ago?



Tales of Nessie won't stop resurfacing

Roger Crutchley, Published on 21/04/2024

» Today happens to be the 90th anniversary of the famous photograph claiming to be that of the "Loch Ness Monster". It was on April 21, 1934, that the Daily Mail carried the iconic front page pix of what became known as the "surgeon's photograph" because it was taken by London doctor Robert Kenneth Wilson.



It's feeling a bit on the warm side

Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/04/2024

» It was Oscar Wilde who observed that "conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative". He might have had a point but it means there are a lot of unimaginative people in Thailand at present. I can hardly recall a conversation lately without a reference to the heat. It has definitely been "a bit on the warm side".



Sleeping on the job at 36,000 feet

Roger Crutchley, Published on 24/03/2024

» There was a rather bizarre story which emerged recently of an Indonesian domestic flight on which for half an hour both pilots were fast asleep at the same time.



Leaping lizards on a Sunday afternoon

Roger Crutchley, Published on 10/03/2024

» Last Sunday I was sitting on the garden porch of my Bangkok abode grappling with the crossword and watching the birds hopping around the garden. My wife, who was away in Chaiyaphum, had just called and I had reassured her that everything was fine and very tranquil... a perfect Sunday afternoon.



Stone me, the crows are back in town

Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/02/2024

» Having a small garden I am fortunate enough to regularly wake up to the sound of birdsong, although in recent dusty days some of my feathered friends have been suffering from sore throats. Even worse was the unwelcome sound of crows and their jarring "caw" call which Cambridge Dictionary describes bluntly as "a loud unpleasant cry".



The barrow, the guy and the carrot

Roger Crutchley, Published on 05/11/2023

» Today is the fifth of November which to many English people of my wrinkly age means Guy Fawkes Day or more likely Bonfire Night. It has very much declined in popularity since I was a kid, fighting a losing battle with the horrors of Halloween.



Sad tale of a sycamore and a chainsaw

Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/10/2023

» Every now and again there is a news story that leaves you scratching your head prompting the question "What were they thinking?" That was my reaction on reading of the destruction by vandals of an iconic sycamore tree in the northern England county of Northumberland.



It's not easy getting a decent mug shot

Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/09/2023

» There has been some debate in recent weeks concerning mug shots as a result of a high-profile legal case in the United States which readers will be relieved to learn I am not writing about. Suffice to say there is an entertaining variety of expressions in the mug shots, ranging from deep defiance from a certain gentleman, to bemusement from others, while one of them looks like they've just realised they left the kettle on at home.