Search Result for “Constitution Drafting Committee”

Showing 41 - 50 of 298



Prayut must clear decks ahead of vote

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 05/11/2017

» Once again the working of the military government has come under public scrutiny and those involved in the gaffe are acting as though the general public is nothing but a bunch of fools who would forget as long as those involved in the incident keep their head below the ground.



Loy Krathong and Other Thai Ironies

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 03/11/2017

» At the risk of sounding like a party pooper, Loy Krathong always comes across as a very ironic festival. You ask for forgiveness from the water goddess for polluting her all year round by dumping more things in her on one particular night. It's like asking your mum to do an extra big pile of laundry for you on the Mother's Day. Am I right?



About politics

News, Published on 21/10/2017

» Pundits fret election roadmap may be bound for a dead end, detour or endless delays v Khunying Sudarat's marigold debacle will bolster or torpedo her party leadership aspirations v Bangkok governor may need solid PR shield to survive flood flak



About politics

News, Published on 14/10/2017

» After much ado about what seemed to be nothing, political parties' euphoria has faded v After two decades, Thammasat University's social development success still rings clear v Yingluck's fingers crossed in bid to live in UK



Regime is destroying rule of law

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 08/10/2017

» Bending the law and going back on words seems to have become the norm ever since the coup that ousted the elected government in 2014. Over the past week the supporters of the coup must have had a field day as their idol managed to have an audience with the head of state of a country that until recently was considered to be the beacon of democracy.



Hypocrisy of double standards

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 01/10/2017

» Thailand's political landscape saw a dramatic change on Wednesday when the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions handed down its verdict to imprison former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra for five years for negligence of her duty as premier.


It's always sunset in our land of exiles

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 30/09/2017

» Either to Dubai or London, Yingluck Shinawatra has gone West and will likely live the rest of her life in exile. Either in an Emirati villa overlooking the Persian Gulf or a London penthouse by the Thames, she may be contemplating the difference between exile and banishment, or between exile and a holiday, but in the end it doesn't matter: She has fled, and her flight means the old power of Thailand has seen off the element regarded as threat. The ghost has been exorcised, the devil purged -- not once but twice, since there are two Shinawatras -- and now the military will charge ahead on their black horses as they gather us up and gallop us off into sunset (not sunrise).



Needed: An election date

News, Editorial, Published on 27/09/2017

» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is sending the wrong signals about an election. While members of his government and supporters of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) regime openly discuss when polls are likely, Gen Prayut refuses. On this issue, the premier appears to be saying he does not know or does not care -- or both -- when an election might be held. He must prepare a more acceptable answer.



Old-style parties still pander to army

News, Soonruth Bunyamanee, Published on 20/09/2017

» The Chartthaipattana Party's syrupy invitation to Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha to stay on in power for years to come is disappointing but hardly a surprise.



National unity govt like taking 2 steps back

News, Soonruth Bunyamanee, Published on 13/09/2017

» Even though a fresh proposal for a "national reconciliation government" floated by former Democrat Party leader Bhichai Rattakul has been sneered at by many politicians and critics, it remains a distinct possibility.