Search Result for “Comey”

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Trump forces out attorney-general Sessions

Associated Press, Published on 08/11/2018

» WASHINGTON: Attorney General Jeff Sessions was pushed out Wednesday as the country's chief law enforcement officer after enduring more than a year of blistering and personal attacks from President Donald Trump over his recusal from the Russia investigation.



US 'Big Story of 2017' - with 9 runners-up

Associated Press, Published on 22/12/2017

» NEW YORK: The wave of sexual misconduct allegations that toppled Hollywood power brokers, politicians, media icons and many others was the top news story of 2017, according to The Associated Press' annual poll of US editors and news directors.



Trump attacks FBI over Russia probe

Associated Press, Published on 04/12/2017

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump launched a fresh attack Sunday on the credibility of his own FBI, responding to revelations that an FBI agent was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russian election meddling because of anti-Trump text messages.



'Sick' US sexting addict Weiner sentenced to 21 months

Associated Press, Published on 26/09/2017

» NEW YORK: Anthony Weiner's sexting compulsion cost him his seat in Congress, his shot at becoming New York mayor and his marriage, and may have even denied Hillary Clinton the presidency. On Monday, it cost him his freedom.



Trump rips attorney general but many want him to stay

Associated Press, Published on 27/07/2017

» WASHINGTON -- Congressional Republicans and influential conservatives rallied around Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday as President Donald Trump kept up his public pelting of the nation's top law enforcement officer and left his future in doubt.



Trump asserts all agree he has 'complete power' to pardon

Associated Press, Published on 23/07/2017

» WASHINGTON -- President Donald Trump said Saturday that he has “complete power'' to issue pardons, an assertion that comes amid investigations into Russian interference in last year's presidential election.



US hearings: Putin ordered election cyberattacks

Associated Press, Published on 22/06/2017

» WASHINGTON - A sinister portrait of Russia's cyberattacks on the US emerged Wednesday as current and former US officials told Congress Moscow stockpiled stolen information and selectively disseminated it during the 2016 presidential campaign to undermine the American political process.



Trump attorney says president not under investigation

Associated Press, Published on 19/06/2017

» WASHINGTON - A member of the president's outside legal team said Sunday that Donald Trump is not under federal investigation, days after Trump appeared to confirm he was with a tweet about being the target of a "witch hunt".



Mueller probe now examining 'obstruction of justice'

Associated Press, Published on 15/06/2017

» WASHINGTON - The special counsel appointed to investigate Russian influence in the 2016 presidential campaign is now examining whether President Donald Trump tried to obstruct justice, it has been reported.



Ex-FBI chief: Trump fired me over Russia probe

Associated Press, Published on 09/06/2017

» WASHINGTON - Former FBI Director James Comey asserted Thursday that President Donald Trump fired him to interfere with his investigation of Russia's role in the 2016 election and its ties to the Trump campaign.