Search Result for “Buddhism in Malaysia”

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Here’s a jumbo solution

News, Published on 17/01/2015

» Ever since the road from Khao Yai National Park headquarters down to Nakhon Nayok-Prachin Buri was built, elephants have ventured out of the jungle to forage along the thoroughfare. As more and more vehicles use the road, some serious elephant attacks on cars and trucks have occurred. Motorcycle riders also run the risk of being stomped.


Identity is a fluid state

Life, Pimrapee Thungkasemvathana, Published on 09/12/2014

» Thai authorities are reportedly working with Malaysia to track the movements of people with dual Thai-Malaysian citizenship, for tax and security reasons. The practice isn't new, and concern over dual nationality isn't unique. It is inarguably based on prejudice, as the allegiance of the person with two nationalities is questioned. But allegiance to what?


Security forces fear Malay school's thrall 

News, Published on 20/11/2014

» Cho Airong is a downtrodden rural community in central Narathiwat province. For 11 years it's been a "red zone", a locus of insurgent operations and violence.


Postbag: Buddhism lost its way

News, Published on 19/08/2014

» Re: "Dhamma Drama" (BP, Aug 17). Thai society has taken the practice of Buddhism on a different trajectory. As a young man, Siddhartha left his golden palace to seek truth among Sadhus dwelling in the forests. Building golden stupas and worshiping him as a god is a complete distortion of his teachings.


No need for violence

News, Published on 26/07/2014

» I agree with national taekwondo coach Choi Young-Seok when he says that “Discipline is more important than the result”. I note, though, that discipline on the international sporting stage is almost always, if not always, enforced through non-violent means. For example, in the recent World Cup, Fifa disciplined a serial biter not by caning him, but by suspension for a set period. In justice systems around the world, violent means of enforcing discipline are not only rare but are decided upon and administered only after careful deliberation, for example, caning in Malaysia — to minimise the role of emotions and emphasise the deterrent value. Should we not follow international norms?



Thailand risks becoming a train wreck

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 28/02/2014

» Most countries are unhappy in different ways but none is shooting itself in the foot more than Thailand. From Ukraine and Venezuela to Turkey, societies across continents are beset by social unrest and civil strife. What sets Thailand apart is that it has so much going for it, well endowed at home with immense goodwill from abroad. The Thai crisis is becoming a tragic train wreck and unfolding in destructive ways that few seem able to do much about, as both sides dig in for the long haul.



Our political crisis is far from unique

News, Published on 14/02/2014

» Although the shutdown in Bangkok currently commands centre stage, Thailand has been plagued with two political crises over the past 80 years or more.


Buddhist violence in Myanmar threatens the region

News, Published on 15/07/2013

» The outburst of Buddhist nationalism in recent times may have long-term implications and the impact is going to be widespread, influencing the security of the entire region of South and Southeast Asia, including the Indian subcontinent.


In religious violence, hate is the true enemy

News, Published on 10/07/2013

» We had the incredibly sad and disturbing news on Sunday that a series of bombs had been set off in Bodhgaya. The heart of Buddhism, where the Buddha was enlightened, and the destination for millions of Buddhist pilgrims, had been subjected to a terrorist attack.


Plain packaging works

News, Published on 27/10/2012

» The article ''Thailand's draft tobacco consumption control act: Plain packaging and beyond'' by Alan Adcock published on Oct 19, 2012, in the Business section presented several false claims about plain packaging.