
Showing 1 - 10 of 20


Guru Asks

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 04/04/2014

» How is one organisation attempting to make Songkran safer this year?


Guru Asks

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 28/02/2014

» What accolade was Phuket recently honoured with?


The scariest things of all

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 25/10/2013

» However, we don't need one day to try to freak ourselves out when there are so many horrifying things to see in Bangkok all year round. Here are 10 truly terrifying things you may experience on a daily basis in this City of Crazies.


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 26/07/2013

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


The tourist traps

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 31/05/2013

» We're just hitting the halfway mark of 2013, but Bangkok has already managed to win the award for being the world's top tourist spot for this year! Well, that's according to the recently released Global Destination Cities Index by MasterCard, who estimates that 15.98 million visitors will descend upon the Thai capital, beating out other hotspots like London, Paris, Singapore and New York.


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 05/04/2013

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Saturday night spoof

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 08/02/2013

» It's almost that day of the month when it's perfectly acceptable - even encouraged - to spend money for the possibility of getting lucky. Yes, Valentine's Day is looming much to the delight of couples who need a special occasion to break out of their dry spell, while lonely single folk are probably honouring Feb 14 by throwing a "Happy Four Days After Chinese New Year" party.


Think you know what's-happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 11/01/2013

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Think you know what's happening in the world around you?

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 14/12/2012

» Well, Guru doesn't and we need your help! See if you can answer these amazingly difficult questions and win yourself the joy of being right!


Ridiculous headlines of 2012

Guru, Sumati Sivasiamphai, Published on 14/12/2012

» As 2012 winds down, now is apparently the time we're supposed to look back and reflect on the year that was. However since many of us probably can't even remember what we did last night (always a sign of a great night), it seems we may have to turn to the news to refresh our memories on some of the more interesting things that have happened in the last 12 months.