Search Result for “Anti-smoking law”

Showing 61 - 70 of 126


Giving big tobacco a fight

News, Published on 02/05/2016

» The densely packed houses along Yogyakarta's Kali Code River went from drab to a riot of reds, blues, yellows and whites.


Terror or tobacco? French school smoking lights up debate

AFP, Published on 20/04/2016

» PARIS - What poses a greater risk to French school children: a potential terror attack, or smoking cigarettes?


Tiny village becomes Indonesian anti-smoking champion

AFP, Published on 11/03/2016

» BONE-BONE, INDONESIA - Nestled amid mountains in remote central Indonesia, Bone-Bone looks like any other rural hamlet in the archipelago, with a modest collection of houses, shops and mosques and people quietly going about their daily lives.


Academics back work of ThaiHealth

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 10/11/2015

» The law governing the work of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) does not need to be amended as the organisation can handle all tasks efficiently and transparently, academics insist.



ThaiHealth has 'conflicts of interest'

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 29/10/2015

» Health academics have backed the government's suggestion that the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) law be changed, criticising the foundation for disbursing funds in a way that could breach ethical principles.



ThaiHealth exec defends spending record

News, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 28/10/2015

» The acting manager of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) has insisted on the foundation's transparency in spending state funds.


Web grinds to a halt

News, Postbag, Published on 24/10/2015

» Just recently all foreign websites have become incredibly slow in Rayong. It is not possible any more to watch a news video on the website of my European newspaper and streaming coverage of the stock exchange is also lagging. Is the internet not workable any more for foreigners? How can a foreign company work here?



Tough decisions ahead in TPP talks

News, Published on 28/07/2015

» Trade ministers from 12 Pacific Rim nations head to Hawaii this week to tackle the tough decisions needed to finalise a trade deal that will free up global commerce and set common standards for nearly half of the world's economy.


Beijing bans indoor smoking

AFP, Published on 01/06/2015

» BEIJING - The toughest anti-smoking legislation in China's history came into effect on Monday in Beijing, with unprecedented fines and a hotline to report offenders following fears of weak enforcement.


New law forces Chinese smokers to butt out in public

AFP, Published on 29/05/2015

» BEIJING - China's capital seeks to snuff out smoking in indoor public places on Monday with a new ban, unprecedented fines and a hotline to report offenders, but enforcement is doubtful in one of the world's most tobacco-addicted countries.