Search Result for “Abenomics”

Showing 71 - 80 of 292


Global equities endure battering from brexit

Business, Published on 27/06/2016

» Recap: The surprising Brexit vote rocked global equity, financial and commodities markets and sent sterling to a 31-year low on Friday. Investors rushed to unload risk assets such as stocks and oil and fled to safe havens including gold and bonds. The Thai stock market also took a hit, sliding below 1,400 at one point before a bargain-hunting rally later in the day.


Japan PM delays tax hike in blow for Abenomics

AFP, Published on 01/06/2016

» TOKYO - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Wednesday said he would delay a sales tax hike that threatened to derail the fragile economy, but analysts said it highlighted the failure of his years-long efforts to spark growth.


Japan economy avoids recession with 0.4% growth in Q1

AFP, Published on 18/05/2016

» TOKYO - Japan has sidestepped a recession, preliminary data showed Wednesday, but a weak first-quarter growth reading underscored how Tokyo's efforts to kickstart the world's number three economy are not gaining traction.


Merkel, Abe differ on how to fix world economy

AFP, Published on 05/05/2016

» MESEBERG (GERMANY) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Wednesday disagreed on how best to kick-start the global economy ahead of a G7 meeting this month.


Japan inflation, household spending sink ahead of BoJ meeting

AFP, Published on 28/04/2016

» TOKYO - Japan's consumer prices dropped last month by the most in three years, dealing another big blow to Tokyo's faltering war on deflation, data showed Thursday.


IMF cuts Japan growth forecasts, warns over deflation

AFP, Published on 12/04/2016

» TOKYO - The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday cut its growth forecast for Japan, saying the economy would shrink next year as a sales tax rise dents consumer spending and warning of a return to deflation.


Japan big manufacturers' confidence drops to three-year low

AFP, Published on 01/04/2016

» TOKYO - Confidence among Japan's biggest manufacturers has dropped to a three-year low, a closely watched survey showed on Friday, the weakest since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's growth blitz, dubbed Abenomics, kicked into high gear in early 2013.


Japan spending gets Leap Year boost, but broader outlook dim

AFP, Published on 29/03/2016

» TOKYO - Spending by Japanese families increased in February for the first time in six months, government data showed Tuesday, but analysts said the rare good news for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is likely to be short-lived.


Politics is proving to be too destabilising 

News, Published on 07/03/2016

» Twenty-four years ago, in the midst of an ugly US presidential campaign, Bill Clinton's campaign manager neatly summed up his candidate's message: "It's the economy, stupid." Today, as investors struggle to understand what is driving extreme volatility in the financial markets, there is an equally pithy explanation: It's the stupid politics.


Japan inflation falls back to zero in January: govt

AFP, Published on 26/02/2016

» TOKYO - Japan's inflation rate fell back to zero in January after two months of modest growth, government data showed Friday.