Search Result for “4G auction”

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Quash greed for 5G success

News, Editorial, Published on 04/11/2019

» The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission's (NBTC) rush to push for the availability of ultra-high-speed 5G wireless technology has surprised telecom operators who said the move came sooner than anticipated.



Scholar's rich public legacy

News, Editorial, Published on 01/11/2019

» The death of renowned economist Deunden Nikomborirak, who was killed by a falling tree at her home in Bangkok on Thursday, is a great loss not only for the research community but also for all consumers in Thailand.


Don't pin tax blame on poor

News, Editorial, Published on 02/08/2019

» Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha barked up completely the wrong tree last week. During the policy debate in parliament, he blamed the stagnant economy on the poor whom he said have contributed too little to the country's tax revenue. In fact, the poor pay their fair share of taxes. It is the rich and the ultra rich who don't pay enough, and Gen Prayut's previous regime did not do much to force them to fork out more.



An S44 order too many

News, Editorial, Published on 16/04/2019

» In what has been branded abuse of power, the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has invoked the all-powerful Section 44 to delay payments by the three big mobile players and bail out digital TV operators from their financial obligations.



No need for S44 payments

News, Editorial, Published on 18/02/2019

» The government is already out of line for even considering new subsidies for the Big Three mobile phone companies. But its admission that it can only put billions of baht from taxpayers into such a scheme by using Section 44 is outrageous. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and his chief legal adviser Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam seem not to realise they are in charge of a lame duck administration. Their obligation is to put this questionable issue on the shelf for the next government and parliament to consider.



Battle for 5G is failing

News, Editorial, Published on 27/08/2018

» Almost from the moment they seized power, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and allies in the National Council for Peace and Order have spent time and treasure promoting their vision of the future. The two top meme titles are "Thailand 4.0" and "Digital Thailand". As defined, both are excellent and worthy goals. Lack of planning, absent government supervision and poor performance make both elusive.



Data security a foreign concept

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 22/04/2018

» You'd think that just about the worst thing that could happen in today's charged smartphone-internet intersection is the theft of many thousands of the most important identification documents and personal details of mobile phone owners. But you'd be wrong.



A failure to communicate

News, Editorial, Published on 20/03/2018

» The public are about to receive a bill for tens of billions of baht for goods they didn't order. It says right on the bill itself that people don't even want most of the items. But unless there is a major change in business demands, agency recommendations and government attitude the bill will come due within weeks. The payment will save digital TV operators and mobile phone company executives who made terrible decisions, and now want the country to bail them out.



NBTC must tread carefully

News, Editorial, Published on 21/12/2017

» Amid mounting calls from digital TV operators and 4G licence auction winners for Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to invoke the all-powerful Section 44 to ease their "financial burdens", both the state telecom regulator and the government need to tread carefully on this issue.



JAS chief gets benefit of the doubt, again

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 23/09/2016

» Sit down with anyone investing in the stock market or who has some knowledge about the capital markets and one of the biggest questions that comes up is what's happening with Jasmine International Plc (JAS).