Search Result for “2013 protests”

Showing 61 - 70 of 205



Philippines' hollow victory over China

News, Johanna Son, Published on 20/08/2018

» In an Asean multilateral meeting in Cambodia in 2012, the Philippines' then-foreign secretary, Alberto del Rosario, found himself in an uncomfortable diplomatic situation.



Dhaka’s war against democracy

News, Suhas Chakma, Published on 16/08/2018

» The students’ protests in Bangladesh since July 29 against appalling road safety that attracted international attention have dissipated and the government of Bangladesh began its familiar course of action in earnest.



Sticking to poll roadmap

News, Published on 04/08/2018

» Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam has given his assurance that constituency boundaries will be redrawn and primary votes carried out within 90 days of the law on the election of MPs taking effect.


Ukraine's stagnant war back in focus

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 07/06/2018

» Four years into a stalemated war, it takes something very big or very bizarre to get Ukraine back into the headlines. Even the news in April that the United States has started delivering lethal weapons (Javelin anti-tank missiles) to Ukraine didn't do the trick, but the non-assassination of Arkady Babchenko last week did just fine.


Fostering norms to sustain Thailand's democracy

News, Published on 06/06/2018

» With the next election tentatively scheduled for February 2019, it is not long before Thailand returns to democracy. And while many in the country are excited about the prospect of an election, others are weary of reverting to politics as usual.



Malaysia gets second chance to prosper and thrive

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 16/05/2018

» Mahathir Mohamad was always a curious character. He was prime minister of Malaysia for 22 years, and although he did not enrich himself many of his cronies did very well from corrupt practices that he did little to curb.


Doi Suthep: Judiciary not the villain

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 14/04/2018

» It is now almost certain that officials at the Region 5 Court of Appeal in Chiang Mai will not move into the new housing project on the slope of Doi Suthep after all.



Why Putin is still – genuinely – popular in Russia

News, John Lloyd, Published on 22/03/2018

» Vladimir Putin won big on Sunday. According to the central election commission, the Russian president glides into his fourth term after winning his biggest-ever election victory, with nearly 77% favouring him. His nearest rival was an affluent multi-millionaire communist who got more than 11% by presenting himself as a Putin-plus, with a programme of nationalising the oligarchs' property instead of merely controlling it.



'Watch scandal' now and amnesty bill then

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 02/02/2018

» The gnawing scandal over Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwon's dubious and expensive watches has become tantamount to the amnesty bill that upended the previous elected government of Yingluck Shinawatra, who is now on the run after being overthrown and subsequently convicted over the rice-pledging scheme. These two cases are ostensibly different but in fact they both spell the beginning of an inexorable end.



Govt must serve up justice for all

News, Editorial, Published on 28/01/2018

» Nearly four years after the end of the huge street protest by the now-defunct People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), and the country's public prosecutors have finally decided to press charges against nine leaders of the Bangkok Shutdown movement that brought many parts of the metropolis to a standstill.