Search Result for “.+”

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Trump's Miss Universe foreign policy

News, Published on 12/05/2016

» OK, it's easy to pick on Donald Trump's foreign policy. But just because he recently referred to the attack on the World Trade Center as happening on "7/11" -- which is a convenience store -- instead of 9/11, and just because he claimed that "I know Russia well" because he held a "major event in Russia two or three years ago -- (the) Miss Universe contest, which was a big, big, incredible event" -- doesn't make him unqualified.


Liberal democracy bows to the reactionaries

News, Roger Cohen, Published on 18/04/2016

» Liberalism is dead. Or at least it is on the ropes. Triumphant a quarter-century ago, when liberal democracy appeared to have prevailed definitively over the totalitarian utopias that exacted such a toll in blood, it is now under siege from without and within.



Washington pulling back from the world

News, Peter Apps, Published on 04/04/2016

» For many in the US, the attacks on Brussels must have felt like more of the same. Once again, militants struck, the systems designed to stop them failed and all the blood and treasure of 15 years of "war on terror" appear more wasted than ever.


The sexual politics of 2016 and redefining masculinity

News, David Brooks, Published on 30/03/2016

» In the middle of the Civil War, a colonel named Robert McAllister from the 11th Regiment of New Jersey tried to improve the moral fibre of his men. A Presbyterian railroad contractor in private life, he lobbied and preached against profanity, drinking, prostitution and gambling. Some of the line officers in the regiment, from less genteel backgrounds, rebelled.


Running the feminist card might be Hillary's trump

News, Published on 25/01/2016

» For most of her career, Hillary Clinton suffered for being a feminist. Retaining her last name helped cost her husband the governorship of Arkansas in 1980 (after that, she became a Clinton). She was mocked in 1992 for saying she wouldn't be "some little woman standing by my man", and for asserting, "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession".


Transgender Muslims find a home for prayer in Indonesia

News, Published on 24/12/2015

» As the call to prayer boomed over this mid-size university town on a recent Sunday night, rows of conservatively dressed Muslim women laid out their prayer mats, bowed toward Mecca and murmured prayers in Arabic. As dusk fell, it was a ritual being carried out in mosques and prayer academies across the city.


Many 'unseen' chemicals are destroying us

News, Nicholas Kristof, Published on 30/11/2015

» In recent weeks, two major medical organisations have issued independent warnings about toxic chemicals in products all around us. Unregulated substances, they say, are sometimes linked to breast and prostate cancer, genital deformities, obesity, diabetes and infertility.



Debasing the US TIP report

News, Editorial, Published on 14/07/2015

» Alarming reports are coming from Washington about the highly anticipated Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report. It seems that US officials have been ordered to promote Malaysia from Tier 3, the bottom ranking where Thailand was controversially placed last year. The reports - not denied by US officials - say Malaysia's rise back to Tier 2 was for purely political reasons, because President Barack Obama needs Malaysia's support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations.


Jeb carries the war sins of his brother

News, Published on 18/05/2015

» It isn't about what we know now. It's about what we knew then. It is simply not true, as Republican presidential aspirant Scott Walker said on Friday, that "any president would have likely taken the same action Bush did with the information he had".


Inequality is a choice made by Americans

News, Published on 04/05/2015

» The eruptions in Baltimore have been tied, in complex ways, to frustrations at American inequality, and a new measure of the economic gaps arrived earlier this year: It turns out that the Wall Street bonus pool in 2014 was roughly twice the total annual earnings of all Americans working full time at the federal minimum wage.