Search Result for “universities”

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Unmasking the situation may take a while

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 03/07/2022

» We are now apparently entering the "post-pandemic era" according to the authorities, which in everyday language means it is not obligatory to wear masks anymore. However, just about everyone is still wearing them so it seems the public are not entirely convinced it's all done and dusted.


A chip on the shoulder, or is it a crisp?

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 13/03/2022

» My reference to the Great British Chip as being related to "French fries" in last week's column caused considerable rumblings in staunchly proud British stomachs. "Shockingly unpatriotic," was one of the more polite observations.


Hot and maybe just a little bothered

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/04/2020

» It is customary at this time of the year for PostScript to whine about two specific topics -- the overwhelming heat and the approaching Songkran festival. As regards the first, I can safely say it has been "a bit on the warm side". In fact it's been sizzling, sweltering, scorching and for us ancient folks, totally discombobulating, or to use the correct meteorological terminology, "bloody hot".


There's nothing wrong with an accent

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 23/02/2020

» There has been some debate in the letters column of the Bangkok Post lately regarding the teaching of English in Thailand. It has included discussion on whether people with strong regional accents are suitable for teaching Thai kids.


2018: The rescue that gripped the world

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/12/2018

» It ended up as a truly inspiring feel-good story, but could so easily have been a heart-breaking tragedy. That was why the tale of the Wild Boars football team -- 12 young Thai boys and their coach trapped in a flooded cave system in Chiang Rai -- held the attention of the world for more than a fortnight.