Search Result for “at&t”

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Has McKinsey & Co finally become unleadable?

News, Published on 27/01/2024

» It's a big year for elections -- and that includes McKinsey & Co's poll to pick the Global Managing Partner for the next three years. As in so many elections, there's a difference between the skills needed to get the job and those required once elected.



We can move to a post-privilege era. Who's first?

News, Published on 06/09/2023

» Privilege is often carved into walls and etched into the landscape.


Airlines battle polluter stigma

News, Published on 06/06/2019

» In Lorna Greenwood's London home, there is a shelf lined with travel guides. But the 32-year-old mother and former government employment lawyer has given up flying.



No, Brexit Britain doesn't want its empire back

News, John Lloyd, Published on 14/01/2019

» Britain is moving towards an exit from the European Union on March 29, possibly with no agreement, and thus courting – according to the Bank of England – an 8 percent drop in GDP and a 7.5% rise in unemployment. A drear prospect, attended by matching drear commentaries on the stupidity of the 52 percent of the British electorate who voted for Brexit in 2016.


Is populism a disease? Or a cure?

News, John Lloyd, Published on 29/10/2018

» Populist nationalism is here to stay. Many still believe it a phase which, like surliness in adolescence, will pass and be succeeded by orderly, thoughtful maturity. But they will find that the political world, already changed, will disappoint them. Liberalism, however defined, is not politics' default position: mainstream politicians are in a fight ring facing young contenders buoyed by a string of victories.


Beware the online culture warriors

News, John Lloyd, Published on 22/10/2018

» The news media in the Western world remains dominated by newspapers, magazines and broadcasters still known as the mainstream. The most vivid proof of their continued reign over public opinion is in the figure of US President Donald Trump, whose repeated attacks on "failing" publications like The New York Times and the Washington Post as "enemies of the people" is a backhanded tribute to their continued power.



Sometimes 'safe spaces' harbour hidden dangers

News, John Lloyd, Published on 08/10/2018

» Few great social changes are wholly positive. "Safe spaces", for example. Most popular in universities, they're meant to provide a feeling of security for those who feel vulnerable, a place where students can avoid issues that might cause them distress.



Data security a foreign concept

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 22/04/2018

» You'd think that just about the worst thing that could happen in today's charged smartphone-internet intersection is the theft of many thousands of the most important identification documents and personal details of mobile phone owners. But you'd be wrong.